Part 8

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Part 8

The snow had finally decided to stop a few days after that meeting in the cold and silent night. It had come down like no tomorrow for the past two or so days. Layering the streets so much that the streets of Japan looked more like a northern neighbor than an island nation.

Winter had come in very thick this year and had yet to shave off any of its weight. The sun hadn't even come out today, much like the past few days. Rather, the sky was covered with dark gray clouds, but unlike the past few days... there was no snow coming out of the fluffy masses.

That didn't mean that the snow was gone through. In fact, it was everywhere still. On the tops of cars, canceling or delaying schools, and allowing plenty of children to call out happily as they ran through the blocks throwing the balls of ice at each other and giggling as they did so.

People were slowly starting to leak out of homes today as well and finally attempt to clear the sidewalks and roads from what had covered it. The piles of snow were huge but able to be cleared if someone had a big enough shovel to use. The thick layers of white that coated the streets and homes nearby were slowly starting to get cleared more and more as people started to come by and shove the piles of white stuff away and create a better walkway for those who dared to venture out onto the icy streets.

One such person was himself, knowing that if he didn't get more food and soon... that crummy little apartment he was holed up in at the moment would be even less appealing than it already was to the fire manipulating male. So, despite the slushy snow that was easily getting on his boots and then wetness that was slowly starting to seep into his socks from the treck outside... his growling stomach won in the end.

It was one of the many things he disliked about the League of Villains... how that crusty hand guy didn't even give him or any of the other members enough money from everything the did or stole to even allow Dabi to buy enough food for a week that wasn't from a convenience store. But he always stayed in the League... it being the only place that actually held his ideals at the current.

So despite all the annoying and slightly psychotic people who made up the roster of members, Dabi stayed with the group. They were working towards a similar goal and it was thanks to them that he had already started to make a name for himself as well. So if anything... he was at least sticking with them for as long as he saw that his ideas and the League's were matching up.

However at the current... the League and food were not on the same side. And so, he was out to get some before his stomach ate himself.

Sure he could always steal it as he used to after he left that old traditional home... but he was a big and up and coming villain currently. And thus, stealing some bread wasn't exactly the image he was trying to go for anymore. Maybe if the read was made by someone he wanted to injure or kill... but not just because he was hungry. So he'd buy some crappy bread today, and maybe a warm meat bun as well... this weather nipping at more than his nose.

The small chiming of the bell at least let him know he had arrived at his location. The man behind the counter seemed to be on hour eighteen of his shift, judging from the tired greeting he muttered to the male with his hood pulled up and the medical mask covering his face. The clerk really must be tired if he doesn't even bat an eye at him... something a lot of people usually did when they saw his face for obvious- and very seeable - reasons.

The aisles of the small convenience market were stacked high with new items, the holiday season approaching faster than anyone knew and thus companies were making sure to package their goods on all things red, white, and green. It made Dabi roll his eyes, knowing very well how the spirit of whatever had long died out in favor of the spirit of spending.

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