Part 14 (NSFW)

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Part 14


The feeling of her body sinking down onto the mattress and the weight on the male on top of her seemed to be number to what she would be feeling and thinking if her mind wasn't clouded over with lust.

She still wasn't sure how she got to this point and why she could feel her body heating up quickly in anticipation for what was going to come next. Fuyu let out a quiet cry as Dabi began to place kiss after kiss on her neck. His light kisses making her mind spin.

How could someone how seemed to be so rough and vicious be so gentle and passionate towards her at this moment? His lips touching the nearly healed marks he had left on her neck during a different time and different circumstance. Now it was as if he was asking her for forgiveness for his rough brashness that had once nearly hurt her and killed her.

And for whatever masochistic reason that she was slowly starting to allow to consume her... she was allowing forgiveness to be given to him. Every kiss placed on her skin and sending tingles through her body was as if she was allowing his sins made against her to be erased.

"Ah..." She whined, as he finally marked her skin with his teeth.

The sudden bite making her arch her back slightly and her eyes lidded as she caught sight of the back side of the male. His tongue sucking and licking the mark he made on her neck in order to make sure it left a seeable mark. A sign that she would remember this deed do between the two on days to come... a memory of the forbidden act that was getting closer and closer to being committed.

Dabi smirked at every little sound Fuyu made from the actions he was performing. And to think that she was already so submissive to him from a few simple hickies and light kisses on her neck.

It made him curious though... and knowing that despite his affiliations and own goals... he also didn't want to be known as the type of person to take advantage of others in the aspect of sex. And so, once he finished his purple mark on her collarbone, he pulled away, a few drops of saliva coming with him he moved away and gazed down at Fuyu.

Her breathing was slightly staggered and she looked at him with a lidded gaze. She certainly knew how to further turn him on with a simple look it appeared. Her sunset eyes looked up at him with a certain lust buried in them, and he couldn't help but chuckle.

"It's obvious by the way you're looking at me with those damned eyes of yours..." He shook his head and began to remove his clothing piece by piece. "...that you are in no way inexperienced."

Fuyu nodded slowly, hair moving against her pillows. Her gaze moving from him to the ceiling, though her attention was elsewhere. She seemed to be lost in thought and trying to find the best way to phrase her next statement. In the end, though, she knew formalities were no longer needed, seeing as she had a half-naked villain on her bed.

"I've had a few boyfriends in the past... lost it a while ago." She admitted, shrugging slightly. "Though... it's been a few years since the last time I did this. Hero work got more important, and relationships and everything that came with it wasn't as important to me as it once was in my younger days."

"Youngers days?" Dabi chuckled, as he started to fumble with his belt. "I'm twenty-four and know for a fact I'm older than you... So don't talk as if you're in some midlife crisis and betraying your husband."

"You certainly know how to phrase things..." Fuyu huffed, eyes catching onto his barren chest.

She knew he was fit, but it wasn't the toned muscles that had caught her attention, but rather the marks that were on his chest. The top was in that scarred purple, and rest the normal and healthy shade of peach. Fuyu's eyes dropped as she looked at it, her hand gently reaching out and touching his chest. Her fingers feeling the burn as he palm rested against the untouched skin below.

Retention (Dabi x OC - Commissioned OC Fanfic)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora