Part 5

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Part 5

Dabi x Fuyu Soji

The aching of her head was the third most annoying occurrence that happened as Fuyu began to regain her consciousness once more. The second most annoying occurrence was the medical lights that made her wince as she reopened her eyes and came face to face with the clean white lights above her head. And the first most annoying occurrence that greeted her was the sight of a man in a medical mask tapping his pen, almost impatiently, as she woke up.

He glanced down at her with eyes that seemed to look like that of a snake, as he moved the mask to open his mouth to reveal a set of fangs that would have also belonged to such a creature. And then with a simple nod, he spoke towards her, the fear of having an unknown individual passing as her mind quickly realized this snake-like man must be her doctor.

"Fuyu Soji, otherwise known as the rescue hero: Alchemist... correct?" He spoke, glancing up to gaze at her.

Fuyu nodded slowly, reminding herself to not try to move too much as her head was still killing her a lot at the current moment. And from the way her fingers lightly traced a few areas of her body that she recalled there being blood and other injuries, she was relieved to see how each had been wrapped up in gauze and taken proper care of now.

"I'm glad to see your memory wasn't affected as I assumed it would have been." He continued on. "However, I'm afraid that now that you're conscious once more... my staff has some tests to run. And then after you're cleared for visitors, expect a few officers and heroes alike to come and interview you. They've been rather impatient already..."

The man sighed, making the female feel a tad bit bad for him, after all... if she had been a topic of discussion among her associates and the police... she sure knew how pushy they all could be when it came to closing investigations and asking victims and witnesses for their own take and recounts on events. So... this poor doctor must have not had time to breathe or think thanks to their constant demands to see her, despite her not being awake and the doctors telling them such.

"That sounds fine to me sir." Fuyu nodded. "Please let me know what I can do to make things easy for you."

"Thank you for your cooperation." The man bowed to the resting hero. "For now, continue to adjust back into the world once more and I'll return with my nurses to begin assessing you."

He nodded to her once more before leaving the room and closing the door with a soft thud. Fuyu let out a long and overdue breath that she hadn't even realized she was holding until the man had left her vision moments before.

The window by her bedside was opened, allowing a fresh breeze to make its way towards her, the sounds of the city below seeming to be calm and allowing the female to know that at least in the time she had been knocked out, all was still somewhat peaceful in this world.

No villain attacks had thrown the world in chaos... something she never realized she was so worried about until she had passed out on a mission. Something she didn't realize until now. And how funny did it make her feel now thinking it all over and knowing that she worried over such little and insignificant things when she should worry about her own life and how she could be making a difference. Not what the world does when she's not a part of it and off in her dreams.

The next few hours went by fairly quickly. Doctors and nurses came and entered the room at sudden times, needing to go over something or another while Fuyu could only nod and agree to whatever test that was beginning now. Some were simple, like if she could do basic skills and such to see if her head was badly damaged from her injury.

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