Chapter Thirty One

Start from the beginning

He quickly holds up the gun fiercely, just as the other three men do. Three against one? That's definitely not good. I decide to take my gun out, but he stops me by placing his hand against my chest and moving in front of me as if guarding me.

"Use it only if you need it." He whispers, before quickly pulling the trigger on one of the men behind him. The bullet pierces through his chest and he falls again with a loud thud. All of the guests in that area of the room run outside.

One of the other men start shooting at him, but he's quick to hide behind a table, that bursts with the impact of the bullets.

He shoves his handgun into his pocket, and grabs the bigger gun and starts firing, barely missing the guests. I'm not at all surprised at his good aim. After all, he is a gang leader.

He shoots another one of the men, and he lets out a pained screech, clutching on to his arm where the bullet hit.

He shoots again at his leg, and he continues to scream, causing the rest of the guests to run off in horror.

Left in the room is me, him, one other man and Roland. Even Meredith has left, running in her high heels. I stay rooted to the floor, not being able to move.

"Go!" He yells at me, but my legs stay put. I can't move. I can't leave him. Not like this.

But in seconds, I feel cold metal against the parting of my hair, and my arm is being tugged roughly, by the last man standing.

"Take another step and I won't hesitate to put a bullet through her head!" He screams. His words are muffled, due to his thick mask. I shake in fear. I'm at gun point.

It's like I'm the movies. Except it's not a thriller, it's a horror.

"I said, leave her alone. She has nothing, absolutely nothing to do with this!"

"Fight me, you sick bastard!" He continues to scream from his spot.

"Drop the gun!" The man screams. But he doesn't, instead he positions it in front of him.

"Drop it!" He screams again. But he doesn't. Just do it please. I figure these are my last moments and close my eyes, thinking of all the great things in my life, Netflix, Nutella, Avery, Reagan, Evan, Evelyn, mom, dad, food, and even him.

"Erin, are you okay?" He screams, getting me out of my thoughts. I nod quickly. No, hell no, I'm not.

At this point, Damien, decides to wake up.

Go back to sleep you disgusting as fuck bastard.

"Fucking asshole." I hear him hiss under his breath, even from the distance.

"Argh!" He groans in pain, touching the blood trickling from the side of his head.

The man doesn't hesitate to push the gun further into my head. I wince at the pain of it pressing into my head.

He looks around to see if anyone else is here, trying to backstab him, literally, and in that few seconds, I decide to fish the gun out of my bra. I fumble with it in my hands, before quickly pulling the trigger, pointing it at his chest. He falls immediately to the ground, but his eyes stay open.

My eyes widen at what I've done. What I've caused. A death.

Damien notices and screams "You little bitch!"

I killed him. I killed someone.


I killed him. I killed someone.

I immediately drop the gun and it falls at my feet, bouncing before falling again. My hands shoot up to cover my mouth and my eyes widen in shock. Did I really kill someone?

"You fucking bitch! You killed him!" Damien screams, patting around his pockets, before noticing his gun was gone. I spot it on the other side of the table, but he spots the gun I dropped. He quickly crawls to get near it, but I'm in too much shock to notice.

"Kick the gun away Erin!" He screams at me. But I stay still, staring as the man's chest that bubbles with blood, and pools around him. I feel a stream of tears fall from my eyes, but I don't remove my hands from my mouth, to wipe them away.

I can feel him near my feet, near the gun and I see a glimpse of him grabbing it and pointing it at me, before his head shoots back and falls on his back, the gun's handle caught loosely between his fingers.

I look up to see him, with shaking hands, clutching the gun. His stance is fixed, but his face holds zero emotion. I gasp and I'm afraid if my eyes widen even further, they may even fall out.

I hear an ear piercing scream, and I figure out it's from Roland.


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