The Uzumaki teen grinned confidently.

" Nice," she muttered yet again.

It had not taken too long for her to finally reach her destination. The first paper seal was located on a tree. The seal itself had white-based design and some red symbols that were on it. Himawari first examined the seal, She had to really make sure on which right spot should she put the explosive tag. In no time, the girl finally figured it out and she placed the explosive tag beneath the seal.


"I have to admit, planting this seal bombs is quite the fun to be honest. Nii-san really had the craziest ideas.


"Alright, one down, one more to go," she commented. She then drew out a pen from her pocket and marked the explosive tag with a number five, she also had checked the time via her small digital watch on her wrist.

"5 minutes sounds fair," she told herself. She then left the premises immediately to go to the second location.

Unknown to her, by the time she left, was a certain Bushy Brow teen who was on his way towards the same area where the latter had left the explosive tag and he had really no idea on what's in store for him once he would get there.


"This forest is very tricky."

Hanabi wondered as the forest they are traversing now can be very tricky as if it was trying to confuse them. She then turned her eyes to her big cousin who had kept silent throughout the journey. She wondered on what the latter was going through in his mind. He always kept things just between himself and nothing more.

On the other hand, Neji was just focused about his goal right now.

Although there were thoughts circling in his mind, he was wondering if Himawari and others were really here on this mission. He had come up with a lot theories but he still can't find a possible explanation whether they are here or not.


"It just bothers me that somehow they could be here. I just a feeling but it seemed to real for me.


Hanabi gave a worried looked at the latter." Neji, Are you alright? Is there something bothering you?" She asked which caught the attention of the other.

"No, I'm just fine." Neji simply replied. He then noticeably sighed which was giveaway that he was bothered about something.

His cousin could only give him a worried and confused look. Hanabi thought about her cousin. Since this mission started, he had been very busy with his thoughts lately. Was He still thinking about Himawari and the guys?

As they both continued on with their journey. They could really feel that they were not the only ones that were going to their destination. Things were just about to get started.


It didn't take long enough for Himawari to reach her second location. The lavender haired teen finally found herself observing the very place where the second seal was located.

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