Ch.8 - Not so good of a morning

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I felt terrible when the sun woke me, as it had gone through the same window for weeks, making groans. Like I'd had a hundred pounds of rocks on my body as I slept, making everything feel sore and uncomfortable stiff. Sitting up anyway was proven to be a challenge; what is happening?

As I questioned myself, my throat itched, and I knew I needed to find a can. My socks cause me to fall due to the new polish, hitting my chin on the edge of my dresser. I reached out for the trash bin, and everything came. Just when I thought I was fine, I saw blood on the floor after pushing the trash away. Cautiously, I graze my fingers over my chin, only to cringe and see red on my fingers.

Good morning to me.

Getting off the ground hurt, but I had to see the damage that stung and bleed onto my hand I held up to keep from staining my clothes. My mother would have a cow all day long, maybe longer. In the mirror on my dresser, I see a decent-sized cut on my chin. I'll be fine. But if this is how my day goes, good riddance.

With the bin in my hand, I carefully descend the stairs, take it outside, and dump it yards away from the house. Gross. I set it next to the hose and remain calm as I walk back into the house and to the kitchen.

By now, I had attacked the attention of Marie, Tommy, and Ollie.

"My sister, how'd you do that?" Tommy asks with a football and an awful hat on his head; I don't know where he got it.

Marie's eyes blew wide, and she ran to a cabinet to get me a rag without a word. She's not good at talking when someone is hurt, but she will always help you. And she's good at it, she should be a nurse, she could help people.

Olly just looked confused and wrapped himself around my legs.

Marie handed the rag and a water bowl, "Want me to clean it?" Her voice sounded like a smell, but I knew she wouldn't mind if I said yes or no.

"Sure. If you don't mind." Her lip twitched up a little, and she nodded. By now, some of the blood was dry, but some continued. It hurt pretty bad, but I'm glad it's not worse. It didn't take long for her to finish, telling me she'd like to clean up. So, I pick up Olly but catch his hand whenever he tries to touch the cut.

Tommy asks where I'm going, and I decide to go outside to clean the bin and get fresh air; it might help me feel better. My baby brother was no help with the hose and bin washing, but the cute little boy's laugh made it okay. He's too pretty for his good or maybe my good. Once finished, I perch myself with Olly in my lap on the end of the porch. My legs dangle over the edge, and my brother plays with the ends of my hair.

The sun feels nice on my skin. I hadn't changed for bed last night, so I still wore what I wore last night. Something that usually bugged me, but I didn't mind right now. The breeze whipped my hair delicately, and it tickled my face.

"Hello, Eleanor." Rings through my ears in a very familiar voice, Jack. I look up through the bright sun and see Jack walking towards us, his shirt scandalously unbuttoned. He fixes his shirt as he walks.

This wasn't an accident, and I couldn't help but laugh. Teen boys, ladies and gentlemen. Especially one who is aware of his excellent complexion. Typically, people like Jack made me mad, but not Jack. I wonder why.

"I see you looking, Eleanor, so unlike you." Acting shocked, I can tell he's trying to mess with me.

"I am doing no such thing, John. Shame for thinking that of me." Turning my nose in the air, looking at the ocean.

"I apologize, young lady. Could I still sit next to you after my accusations?"

"Yes, if we can stop using big words." He laughs and hoists himself up onto the porch. His leg is brushing my own. Very close, I'm still not used to him. I couldn't be. He seems mysterious but in the most charming way possible. Is that a good or bad thing? I don't know.

He immediately noticed; he seemed to look at my face for the first time. "What on earth happened to your face, Elle?" His eyebrows scrunched, and there was nothing but concern on his face as he cupped my face to analyze it.

"I woke up not feeling well and slipped and hit my chin in a trash can." Making himself suck in a wince for me, then he leans in and kisses my cheek. I'm shocked by the gesture because I'm not getting used to him.

But he is a sweet one, that's for sure. He's got a bigger heart than he is credited for.

Two Kennedy boys came to get my brothers Harry and Tommy. My sisters followed them back to the Kennedy house to meet his Jacks.

Olly moved over to Jack for a moment, then stood up, shuffling to somewhere in the house and leaving us outside. There was silence that we didn't seem to know what to do with, but that's okay. I grabbed Jack's hand since I knew he would be cautious until he could. He wrapped my hand in his, and we continued to look at everything around us. He looks at the ocean while I occasionally look at him, then back to the flowing long grass and wildflowers here and there.

It was a not-so-good morning, but it turned out okay.


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