Ch.4 - Ocean winds

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He has yet to disappoint me. It's been eight days since I agreed to let him 'change my mind,' So far, I don't regret the decision as I spend each day with him from close to sunrise till sunset. Slowly... well, maybe not so much, he's come to know me well. And he's told me a lot about himself, and I feel enraptured by every bit of it. It also surprises me how well he remembers everything I've told him, notably when he warned me to be careful when swimming out of concern for my ears. I've always had an awful time with my ears, almost constantly on the verge of infections and a heightened sensitivity to water. I told him after he noticed my discomfort a few days ago when they were particularly irritating. He's been precautious of them ever since, even sternly warning his siblings not to splash water around me for that purpose. His ability to impress me has proved to be immense.

The rose he gave me has since wilted, but he never fails to ask if he needs to get me another. If I say no anymore, he'll get me a bundle anyway. But little did he know that I noticed his first gift begin to wilt; I pressed it into one of my notebooks, keeping it handy for future admiration of the fond memory. I loved the gesture way more than I should have; I've never had anyone outside my family do something so thoughtful for me. The now-dried openings along the stem that once connected to thorns caused me endless wonder; he didn't want anything to hurt me, even something so small as rose thorns. With each moment of admiration I give to the simple flower, my mind melts open, ready for what comes next.

I'm lying in bed, the clock on the wall reads six forty-seven. I've been lying here for nearly an hour, but if I'm not up before half past seven, my mom will come in and wake me. So, to surprise her, since I've always chosen to sleep in as late as I can in past summers, I will get up on my own. So I stand and get dressed. I brush the tangles from my hair to pull back the top section to secure it with a band and ribbon. With my jeans secured and a yellow knit sweater snug around me, I leave my room after glancing at my flower.

The steps down the stairs are much quieter than the ones in our home for the other nine months of the year, which helps to surprise my Mother in the kitchen. I pour myself some fresh orange juice she's squeezed, kisses her on the cheek, and head outside to sit on the porch with my legs dangling over the edge.

I look at the white house across the way just as the door swings open, noticing who it must be immediately. One by one, I bring my knees to my chest so I can cuff my jeans, a preference of mine when it comes to these jeans. Curious, I watch him walk to the beach and across the dock to one of his family's sailboats. It's a nice boat that looks really smooth atop the water. He sets down the things that filled his arms onto a boat seat, then jumps off in a way that makes it look easy. After reaching his porch, he glances at mine, noticing me quickly. He repeats the process but walks towards me upon retreating from the vessel this time.

"Good morning, sunshine!" He smiles and hugs me, even though I'm sitting and doesn't offer such affection... I still find it amusing.

"Good morning, Jack. What are you up to?"

"I actually came over to tell you. I'm going sailing, it's best in the morning, especially when I don't have a kid to take. Would you like to come?"

"Oh... Well, I don't think I should. I don't have a jacket, and it's early... I don't know." I said that a lot faster than I meant to.

"Oh, come on. I have a jacket for you on the boat, and I will personally ask your Mother or Father if it's alright if I take you. Now, if your concern is I don't know how to do it right, I've been doing it since I was eight. I think I know how to do it pretty well." He pauses, looking at me with excitement and hope. I can see it in his eyes. He means it.

"Okay. I'll take you to my Mother as I grab my shoes." I get up, but before I can put forth the effort, he's up the stairs, grabbing my hands and hoisting me up. He opens the door for me and motions me quite dramatically. Making me laugh. We padded to the kitchen where I had left my Mother. She was still there, just starting to cook breakfast.

Meeting Jack - RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now