Ch.20 - In the workplace

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Sitting in the break room, I can't help but daydream as I stir my coffee absentmindedly. Specifically about a smile that is worth more than anything in the world to me. I've been floating since that night, how he appeared out of nowhere and somehow became more charming. I don't know how I could ever make it up to him; the way he led me through the room and seamlessly got me twenty quotes from my assignment. Mr. Carter was ecstatic about them, praising me for going above and beyond. I hated taking credit, but Jack insisted that he deserved none of it. I "deserve all the praise" due to my "unmatched penmanship." He was reaching out to come up with that compliment, but I was so grateful for his help that I didn't have the heart to argue.

It's been three days; it's now a Monday afternoon, and I've been assigned the front desk position for the week. It only happens occasionally, which I'm grateful for since it's genuinely dull. But this time, I welcome the placement because it doesn't require constant focus, something I've been struggling to do for three days.

"Eleanor, I can't wait till you return to working upstairs." Violet burst as she entered the room and sat across from me. "You keep it organized up there better than I ever could."

"I'm sorry, Vi. I wish I could be in both places for you." Rolling my eyes, it would be easier for her to keep organized if she didn't talk to Kurt all day in passing.

"I know what you're thinking; you'd be the same way if your Jack worked near you every day." She's got me there, causing me to smile and shrug before taking a sip of coffee. "Of whom you have yet to tell me about. How did you know a gem like that and keep it from me all these years?"

"I haven't seen him in ten years." I've avoided going into all the details with her since that night; this is the most I've given her.

"Ten years?! Geez, you two were only teenagers. I know you only went to all-girls schools because your father insisted you do the same thing for university; that's all I know. Where did you find him?"

"Oh, you're relentless!" I pause to laugh, "I promise I'll tell you tonight when we're in the privacy of our home instead of the breakroom."

"I'm going to hold you to that, you know?"

"I know Vi." Looking at the clock, I see I've got five minutes till I've got to be back behind the front desk. "On that note, I'll see you tonight. Back to keeping track of appointments I go."

"Don't have too much fun!"

"Oh boy, I'll try." Taking my cup with me, I give her a nudge on my way out, which makes her laugh at me.

Saying hello to co-workers who pass by with a greeting, I continue my rush to the desk. Just as I make it through the short push-through barrier to take my seat at the counter, I get bombarded by a handful of people asking multiple questions. Taking a deep breath and plastering a smile, I try to settle down with each person, asking about appointments.

Checking the clock once things quieted down for me, it took me over a half-hour to get them all situated since whoever was in charge of booking seemed to lap the appointment times. This causes me to search for the bookings for next week, now that I've got a bit of free time, and make sure there are none that lap so I can call to make changes if needed. I stand up, turn to the cabinet where all the books are, and skim through to find the one labeled for next week. Once I've spotted it, I open it and put a hand out to feel around for my chair. Seconds after I sit, the bell on the desk rings, causing me to groan internally, but I muster what I can to plaster another smile on my face.

"How can I help-" shock took over and made me lose my voice.

"Do you know how hard it is to find the right publishing office when all you have to go off of is a name? Especially when the woman you're looking for never specified which one she works for?" The charismatic man that's been clouding my mind exclaims as he leans on the desk before me and sighs in mock exhaustion. Jack smiles, and I can't help but laugh.

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