Ch.17 - Left Wondering

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Jack's pov

My heart is still beating profusely, but I can't find it in me to care because it only feels like my heart has left me. From waking up so suddenly, the fear of seeing them packing across the way, sneaking over and scaling their house, reaching the girl I wish to forever call my own, only to get caught and booted from her home abruptly. However, I cannot find it to regret my actions, no matter how Mr. Taylor reacted. I'll never truly know when the next time I'll get her close to me will be... if I'll ever have her near me again. The thought makes my chest feel as though my lungs have turned into bricks in my chest, and my throat tightens with painful nerves.

The walk back to my house passed in seconds because of the hazy cloud brewing in my head. I hadn't even realized I had reached my porch till I felt my foot hit the first step with a thud; I couldn't be bothered. I couldn't help but look back at her house when I heard her father yell once more that everyone needed to get in their car, straining my ear to listen to the beautiful voice I've grown to need, like oxygen, but I know her. My sweetest Eleanor won't be saying a word; the slightest tension in a room makes her as quiet as a mouse; I'm sure she won't be quick to speak any time soon. And knowing my actions are the reason she feels pressured into silence is enough to make me nauseous.

Looking back, I see the lights go out in the house across the way, and all of the Taylors organize into a line to cram themselves into the car. Now that the sun is beginning to peak over the ocean horizon, I can see her. She's standing on the porch with George, his arm slung at her with a knowing look on his face. Just as they come off the last step of their porch, I see her look up from her feet in my direction. Even from this distance, I can see her tear-stained cheeks and the devastation in her emerald eyes. At that moment, I knew she could see me, and emotions swelled in my stomach. The quick, minuscule seconds were all I needed to breathe again, making me realize I had been holding my breath. The pain in my lungs resumed instantly when she was gently nudged in the direction of the open car door, and just like that, she disappeared.

When I entered my house and quietly closed the door, what felt like suffocation overpowered me as I fell back against the door and slid down with the weight of it all. She was gone, and I remained, but my heart left with her.

And just like that, time became irrelevant.


Ten years later


Eleanor's pov

"Eleanor? I've been shouting for you for ages! Are you breathing?"

Shaking my head of daydreams, I almost didn't recall what was being said to me. I stand from my desk and rub out the wrinkles in my dress skirt before I rush to my door, pulling it open to see Violet looking at me.

"Honestly, Elle, I might as well have moved into this flat independently since your mind always seems elsewhere." She rolls her eyes at me and adjusts the curl falling from the place due to her exaggerated movements. She laughs and continues, "Are you coming tonight?" She walks into my room and welcomes herself to my dresser mirror.

"I don't know, I might go and just be 'elsewhere' according to you." Rolling my eyes, I walk to my bed, landing on my stomach with a huff. "Besides, you'll be consumed in getting Kurt Edwards to marry you."

"Oh, stop, you make me sound like a floozy. Kurt is very kind, and I know my feelings are mutual. If you knew the look, you'd never miss it."

This makes me turn on my back with a heavy sigh as I look over to my desk with the only reminder I have of such a look I used to get.

"Vi, you act as though I was born yesterday. I know he reciprocates your desires; that much is clear. But you only seem to go to boring company parties for the drinks and the chance to speak to him for non-work-related reasons."

She turns to me with a blush on her cheeks, "Is it that obvious?"

"Let's just hope it's only obvious to me," I laugh.

She pushes herself off my dresser and heads towards my wardrobe, dramatically opening it and skimming through my evening gowns. "You're going. This event is being held in a new location, and I will drag you with me if I have to. I hear there are plenty of strapping young men in that area, and I'll be damned if I don't get one of them to talk to you. If nothing else, I want to see you in the new dress we bought you last week."

"You be damned then!" I send her a glare and roll back onto my stomach.

"Now, Elle, what would your mother say if she heard you?" She laughs as she looks back at me. I love Violet. We're so different, but it's beneficial for both of us. I keep her out of trouble, and she ensures I leave my room for other things outside work. Since our time at university, we've been inseparable. If it weren't for her insistence, I'd have never moved from my parent's house. While I do miss my mother, it has been a blessing.

"Don't bring her up knowing she'd be on your side! That's not fair!"

"Oh, Elle..." I can hear her come close, finally laying down alongside me. "You know I just want you to have some fun; staying pent up here is not good for you. You don't have to speak to anyone you don't wish to; stick with me, and we'll have a good time poking fun when the big boss man gets properly inebriated." She says as she nudges my shoulder with hers. I look over at her, and she flutters her lashes and gives me a mock sad expression.

"...fine." It's hard to deny that part of me wants to attend this event; it would be nice to dress in something more excellent than my usual professional attire.

She perks up with this and stands from the bed, "Yay!" clapping her hands as she hurries back to my wardrobe to pull out the newest addition. "You're going to look so stunning in this; we'll have to make a queue for all the sailors vying for your attention."

"Sailors?" Confusion rolled through me; I had heard we had this function at an unusual spot, but how were sailors involved?

She pulls out the dress and hangs it outside the wardrobe door, turns to me mockingly straightly, and adds solute to her playful display. "Yes, ma'am! A whole boatload of Navy men just docked at the harbor, returning from their valiant voyage overseas!" She begins to march towards the door, adding,

"And you know what that means!"

"They'll be fiendish." I sigh and rub my hands over my face, exhausted by the thought alone.

"Precisely!" She shouts from the other room. "We're leaving in thirty minutes!"

This should be eventful. 

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