Ch.18 - Surprises

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As we sat in the cab, I couldn't help but fiddle with the skirt of my dress. Looking down at the elegant deep green satin as it slipped through my fingers, wishing I wasn't so nervous while wearing such a stunning garment. Violet insisted I get it since it brought out the color of my eyes; I love it. It makes me look so confident despite my desire to turn the cab around so I could go home. I couldn't let Vi down now; we're nearly there anyway. The Manhattan shops shine with bright lights and display windows showing different varieties of expensive goods. Reminding me that I should be enjoying myself; I felt I was missing something. This feeling always returns in the most inopportune moments when I should be enjoying life; it never ceases to weigh on me.

"We're here!" Vi whispers excitedly, turning to the driver and slipping him the cost. "Thank you kindly, Sir!" He thanked us as we exited the cab. I hurry off the street as best I can in these shoes, lifting my dress slightly so it doesn't touch the ground. Once I make it to the sidewalk, Violet in hand, I finally look up to see the building in front of us. It was a bar, but it was filled with finely dressed people who could be seen through the window. It would've looked inviting if it weren't for the wretched feeling in my gut. As we approached the door, I heard a man clear his throat. I looked up. It's Kurt.

"Good evening, Mrs. Jennings, Mrs. Taylor." However, even when he addressed me, his eyes never left Violet. I felt her squeeze my hand before releasing it so she could offer her hand in greeting.

"Mr. Edwards, always a pleasure." I look at her to see her smiling graciously as he lifts his hand for a gentle, chaste kiss. He releases her and then opens the door, motioning us in like a gentleman.

"Thank you, Mr. Edwards." I return to him, and he smiles with a nod.

Violet leads me towards a group of secretaries that we work alongside. It was a job offered to us straight out of university, thanks to generous
recommendation letters from some professors, citing our penmanship as a leading factor. We each got a position as assistants from a couple of head publishers of the New York Times. Sometimes, we're sent into typesetting. The work could be stressful, but it was a great offer considering the desirability of the job and our lack of experience.

"Eleanor! It's a bit of a surprise to see you; I didn't think Violet would be able to convince you to join," welcomes Grace. She's a lovely woman, a couple of years our senior; I remembered her from school immediately.

"I did put up a bit of a fight, but as you can see... Here I am." I smile at her after giving her a face wince; she laughs and gives me a kind hug.

"She folded after I told her about the Navy men expected to be here." She says while giving me a playful nudge.

"Violet! Your fibs aren't proper!" I rebuke and frown at her.

"But it's so much fun!" She laughs, "I'm going to get you a drink; maybe you won't be such a stifler of fun afterward."

She disappears, and I shake my head and look back to Grace, "My apologies for that momentary lapse in her judgment."

Grace laughs, "No apologies needed; you two are always fun to watch as you poke at each other like sisters."

"It was my mistake thinking I left that at my parent's house," I say light-heartedly.

I greet a couple of other ladies from work and welcome the drink Violet returns with for me. The room's noise causes us to speak with slightly raised voices as the room increases in capacity. Suddenly, my boss, Mr. Carter walked up to me and began to make small talk.

"Mrs. Taylor, I hate to ask you to do this, but I fear it may be our only opportunity." Disappointment builds in me, but since he rarely asks me for things during these events and he has always been kind to me, I voice a welcome to his upcoming request. "I would like you to try to ask simple questions to the newly arriving Navy men who should start turning up. I normally wouldn't ask you to do this. Still, seeing that none of our usual journalists in charge of this topic are going to be joining us, I thought of you; if you run into a conversation with any of the men in uniform tonight, would you mind getting a couple of quotes from them on their experience returning?"

"I wouldn't mind; thank you for thinking of me. Is there a certain amount you're seeking?"

"No, I don't want you to worry about it. Small things from a few new arrivals will be more than satisfactory." I can see the relief on his face as he pulls out a small notepad and pen; he hands them to me and shakes my hand as he gives them to me. "Thank you, Mrs. Taylor. You're a great help!" He wishes me well and excuses himself.

I turn around to find Violet; since she got me a drink, I might as well see if I can refill hers when I ask for a glass of water. It takes a couple of minutes to locate her. Still, I see her conveniently sitting near Kurt at a table, talking to other writers. When I approach, she sees me and gives me a knowing smile.

"I hope Mr. Carter hasn't requested something of you that will take up all your time." She says, and she motions towards a chair she saved for me.

"It's just a small request; he asked that I gather some quotes from the incoming boys. Statements on their homecoming and so forth." She nods and smiles.

"I could kiss that man sometimes; now, you must speak to a new man this evening." This makes me roll my eyes, and then I offer her the refill I initially thought of, and she accepts. I grab our empty glasses and head to the servers.

Just as I begin near the front of the room, I hear a rush of incoming people throughout the room. When I look, it's clear from their clean and polished uniforms that the men everyone has been talking about have arrived. The room suddenly becomes louder as people cheer for them and their safe homecoming. I rush to the bar before their orders increase, requesting a glass of water and Violet's cocktail. The server diligently collects my orders and returns them to me.

I maneuver back to the table where Violet is seated, slipping onto my chair before someone takes it. Violet thanks me for the drink, then turns back to listen to Kurt's conversation. Practically devouring my glass of water, I brainstorm how to get the needed quotes. Tapping the pen I was given on the table as I started worrying about approaching the rowdy young men, doubting they'd want to speak to me after they know I'm playing stand-in reporter. I looked up to survey the room, hoping it would help me find a place to start, but I regretted it immediately because it only made me more nervous. Continuing to tap the pen, I subconsciously begin fiddling with my dress again, not thinking about how it'll probably lead to wrinkling the fabric.

The feeling in the room starts to feel stifling, so I tell Violet I will step outside for fresh air. She gave me a concerned look and started asking questions, to which I reassured her that I was fine and wouldn't take long. After she told me that if I took too long, she'd be coming after me, I squeezed her hand and then approached the door. With my pen and paper, I start weaving through the people. I immediately feel relieved once I make it out the door and into the cool night air.

The cool air is a bit cooler than I'd usually like, but it feels refreshing as my mind begins to clear. The noise of the people in the building is replaced by the noise of the cars rushing by and a few people walking by, some entering and leaving the establishment. I lean against the wall lining the window, then look down at the empty page of the notepad. I wish I didn't have this sudden assignment. However, it could be an excellent chance to show Mr. Carter that I can handle this.

After a few minutes, Violet will likely wonder when I'll return. So, I push myself off the wall and straighten my dress again before striding back to the door. Just as I'm about to reach for the door handle, I hear a voice that sings of a familiarity that rushes over me and makes it hard for me to place. Just then, I see a pair of black polished shoes. My eyes drift up to the uniform of the man in front of me, noticing the badges and pins on the nicely pressed coat. Then, after seconds that stretch on, I see a face I haven't seen in so long.

"Well, isn't this a small world, Ellie." The man laughs.


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