Ch.26 - Only for a Short Time

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The past few days have gone by in the blink of an eye... Jack leaves today. I told him to come over earlier than usual, wanting to spend every moment with him. He'll be gone for two weeks, which causes pains in my stomach, chest, and throat. I haven't made it out of my bed yet, wishing I could go to sleep and wake up when he returns. Part of me judges the other at how dramatic I'm being, but it can't be helped. My heart is leaving... but at least there is comfort in knowing he'll return to me as long as he can help. This time, he knows where I am, and he's promised to call whenever he comes near a telephone... I have to hope I'm at home when he does.

"Are you awake, beautiful?" I'm startled by his voice echoing through my dark room, but relief greets me when my bed bends to his weight. I'm not sure how I didn't hear him come in, slightly surprised at how lost I was in my gloom.

"Good morning; how did you get in?" I grumbled, feeling around the bed blindly till I found him. He rested his hand over mine and intertwined our fingers. "I'm sorry I didn't make it past the bed yet."

"Good morning! Violet let me in, and I expected as much; you kept us up late while refusing to let me leave."

"I'll have to thank her later... So, I can't lock you in and keep you?"

He laughs softly, a hint of sadness threaded in the tone. "Unfortunately, I must go. Rowdy sailors need me."

"Not as much as I do!" Shamelessly whining eases things a little, allowing my dread to be expressed.

"I know, baby. I promise the distaste for my departure is mutual." The tears I've been fighting since I woke finally spilled over. I'm grateful for the dark masking my face for a moment, and I hope he doesn't notice; I don't want him to feel guilty. "Aww honey, please don't cry?"

"How did you know?" I whined further, turning my face into my pillows. He stands, letting my hand fall, which is protested by further sad groans. "Where are you going? I'm sorry."

My question is answered when a light is switched on, the light causing me to squeeze my eyes closed and bury myself back into the pillows.

"Please don't ever apologize to me for feeling. But no tears! None of those are over me." I can hear his steps coming back to me, which makes one of my hands come up to push the pillow down, allowing me to peek while he sits on the bed. However, he leans back on an elbow, laying on his side this time. His free hand comes up and weaves through my hair, lightly rubbing soothingly. "Please don't cry. It breaks my heart to see your pretty face upset."

"Hence my crying in the dark." I move closer, sheltering my face against his chest. "I'm sorry about your shirt." Mumbling against him as I try to stop my tears, wrapping an arm around him.

"It's just a shirt, worth the wet patches since it's you." He continues playing with my hair while bowing down to kiss my head. I groan slowly when he removes his hand from its place, and then suddenly, I feel the tip of a finger glide back and forth across my exposed cheek. Begrudgingly, I giggle from how softly it tickles. "There we go; I much prefer this sound from you."

"You're ruining my brooding!"

"I'm afraid I'm not sorry about it." Letting his hand slip back into my hair, making me melt. "Look at me, please?"

"But my face is all teary."

"I still want you to look at me."

Slowly, I do as he asks. When I open my eyes, I look up at his sweet smile and a look full of love. Then, he lowers himself to kiss me, which I welcome. My hand drifts up into his hair, thumb lingering on the soft skin of the nape of his neck. It doesn't take long for the kiss to grow in intensity; he moves so that he's looming over me, resting my head against my pillow. I don't fight it, but I'm shocked when his tongue touches my lips. In a moment, I decided to let him continue taking the lead, letting him part my lips. The new sensation causes a moan, caught by his affection. I can't care how long we stay like this, gentle touches keeping us intertwined as one.

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