Rihanna Rebel PART 9

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*Man walks over*

Man: "Wow, you ladies are beautiful, can i take you away?"

Katy Perry: "You are so gorgeous, i'm going to take YOU away!"

Man: *laughs* "Will you go on a date with me, i can help you tour Spain, i can tell you're not from here."

Katy Perry: "Oh sorry i can't, i came here with Robyn on this vacation, so i think we should spend time together."

Rihanna: "No girl, i will be fine, i'll just finish up here and meet you back at the hotel later."

Katy Perry: "THANK YOU!" *Kisses Rihanna ans leaves with the man*

Rihanna finishes up he meal and makes her way outside the cafe.

Rihanna: *I need to find me a honey out here*

Rihanna gets back in the car and tours alone.

Rihanna gets back to the hotel and changes into a black and white bikini and goes to a beach by herself.  RIhanna doesn't know there are a lot of good looking men there! OOP!

Rihanna RebelWhere stories live. Discover now