"What?" What a rude gir-

"Hi I'm Hirai Momo." Momo stood up and shake their hands.

"That's Sana and Mina-" while pointing at them.

Sana was waving cheerfully while Mina just smiled. Huh classic Mina and then she point at me.

"This witch is Nayeon." I hit her hand but it was to quick so I missed. She then gave me a merong. So I used my telekinesis power and throw a pen at her.

"I'm not a witch! I'm a princess you bitch!" The both of them was looking at us.

What are they looking at? It's fine too say that Momo wouldn't have gone hurt anyway. Jeongyeon just sighed and put her head on the table. What's wrong with her?

Jeongyeon's POV

"Jeongyeon, Don't say your family name ok? They can't know that you're from the Yoo family it could risk your safety."

That words from Mr Park keeps on showing in my head. Did they thought all of my family was dead? Even me? Are they targeting me now? I kept thinking of it when Jihyo shaken me. I looked up at her she was confused.

"What?" I really hope she didn't ask me anything important.

"What's with the gloomy face Jeong?" She asked.

I just shrugged her off. "Nothing, just sleepy."

But Jihyo knows me better so she keeps on asking. "You sure? I know you're not okay."

I force myself to smile "I'm fine , I swear just a little sleepy." I stated she just nod.

To be honest I wanted to tell Jihyo. She's the only place I can go to if I'm feeling down. But I can't because those girls are watching us. I don't want them to know what's the problem since we're not that close.

Sana then hugged me and said "It's okay just go to sleep, You look tired it's better to sleep I think we're going to have a free time since teacher hasn't come yet." She smiled while hugging me.

I wiggle myself out because I'm not comfortable around them, they're weird. I just nodded.

"Thanks, but I don't like hugs."

She frowned at me and went back to her seat. Her friends were trying to hold their laughed. Except for one it was her bunny or Nayeon whatever her name is. She was looking at me so intense that i have shivers on my body. I really don't want to make enemies in the first day of school.

So I stood up and went near her table. Jihyo was confuse of what I'm doing. She gripped me asking me what I'm doing. I guess she realized it and let me go. I lent out my hand to offer an apology.

To be honest if I don't care about us being enemies I wouldn't have apologize but I don't want to end up being a bitch here because I can see it from their eyes. They're the popular ones and I really don't want to mess around.

"Hey, Nayeon right sorry about what happened earlier? My mood wasn't that good this morning." She then looked at me and laughed.

I was confused then her friends tried to hold her off. Is she rejecting my apology? She throw my hand. Yes She's rejecting it, ohhh that little bitch it's going to get it. I quickly turned and went back to my seat

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