7.2 - Back - Birthday

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'Katie where are we going?'

'Cassie would you just relax! It's your birthday! We're going to party! You can't be in L.A. on your birthday and not party!'

We walked into a club, which made me a bit uncomfortable since I don't really like places like these with loud music and drunk people dancing, but I didn't want to disappoint Katie so I let her lead me to the VIP section.

'Wow! Katie! You went all out!'

'Well you don't turn 25 years old every day! A quarter of a century is a big deal!'

'Happy birthday Cassie!' Everyone in our booth cheered as soon as we got there. They were all here, Sam and Laura, Noah and Tom, and Alex. I immediately jumped into Alex's arms.

'I missed you so much!' I whispered into his ear and then giving him a quick peck on the lips.

'Thank you, everyone, for coming!' After hugging everyone and ordering some drinks, we all sat in our booth catching up.

'Great interview yesterday Cassie! We all watched it you were incredible!' Tom complimented.

'Did you know Harry's gonna be there?' Noah asked curiously. I carefully looked at Alex before answering, 'No, they didn't tell me... I had no idea!'

'But how come you guys pretended not to know each other?' Sam asked confused

'Well, we thought it would be better to not encourage more rumours.' I explained.

'Oh so you guys discussed it beforehand?' Laura asked.

'Not really no, it's sort of a given. I know from the past few years that Harry never confirms any rumours to be true went it comes to relationship status, so I just assumed he'll do the same now and just went with it.'

They all nodded and I looked back at Alex who was being very silent. I looked at him with a worried face, he slightly smiled at me tightening his grip on my hand suggesting that he's fine.

After a few drinks and a lot of dancing, I went back to the VIP section alone, my feet killing me from the heels Katie made me wear. I ran into Tristan.

'Hey! Tristan! What are you doing here? I thought you're in Atlanta shooting a movie!' I said excitedly hugging him tightly.

'I couldn't miss your birthday party now can I?' He gushed.

'How did you even know we'd be here tonight?'

'Oh, I called Katie and asked. I got you some gifts!' He led me back to where he was sitting with Henry, Hunter and Zoe.

'You really shouldn't have bothered with the gifts! You guys being here is more than enough!'

'Yeah I know!' he teased, 'But I wanted to, so shut up and open them!'

I opened the first out of two boxes. 'A New York City snowball!! OMG! This is amazing! I was definitely missing that one! I love it thank you, Tristan!' I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek.

'Oh you'll love me, even more, when you see the second gift.' I looked back at the second box opening it. My jaw dropped, 'Is that?' I was so shocked I couldn't even continue the question.

'You mean a prop from the movie I secretly took from the set and you should pretend it doesn't exist and if anyone see it, you say it's a replica because I could get in trouble? Yes, it definitely is!'

'Tristan! I can't believe you did that! You can get in serious trouble! That probably cost a fortune! People could be looking for that!'

'And they'll never find it!' he tried reassuring me.

'Well, thank you, Tristan! You're really one of the best friends I have!'

I hugged with again, ignoring the looks his friends gave him, then stood up and said, 'I have to go back to my group now, but you're welcome to join us! And if you don't, come say bye before you leave. '

I went back to the booth expecting it to be empty knowing the girls are dancing, and the guys are near the bar.

'Excuse me, this booth is reserved.' I did a double take, starting to recognize one of the faces sitting there.

'Niall!! What are you doing here!' I hugged him tightly, happy to see him again.

'Katie called, she invited us to your birthday party!'

'Us?' I asked looking at the rest of the guys behind him. 'Louis! Liam! You're here too!' I hugged them too. 'Happy birthday Cassie!' they said in sync.

I looked around worryingly, Niall put his arm on my shoulders and told me, 'Harry's here but he's keeping his distance, the last thing we all need is a fight between Alex and Harry, the paparazzi would kill for a scoop like that.'

'Where is he?' I asked. Louis pointed to a booth in the back of the area. I went there silently and sat right next to him, avoiding eye contact.

'Thank you for coming.' I began. 'Alex is down there you know.'

'I know, I don't want to cause any trouble.' I could almost feel the frown on his face.

'Then why are you here, Harry?' I sighed.

He held my hand and turned my face to look at him. 'I just needed to make sure you're happy with him. I'm worried about you. I want to see with my own eyes that he's making you happy. So far I'm not convinced, he's been at the bar all night completely ignoring you.'

'Well I haven't been the perfect girlfriend either, here I am talking to you, instead of him.'

'Leave him.' he said bluntly

'What? Harry no, I'm not leaving him. Not for you, not for anyone else.'

'Why not? You're not happy with him!' He said raising his voice.

'Do not take that tone with me!' I threatened, 'You don't get to tell me what I should and shouldn't do!'

'I know! I'm sorry! I just can't stand not being able to do anything! I meant it when I told you I wanted to make you happy. And if that doesn't include us being together, it's okay as long as you're happy. But you're not! And well, I could do something about it, but I won't, because I don't want to hurt you.'

'What are you talking about?'

'See that guy down there at the bar with a baseball cap and a camera? He's a paparazzi, and he's been taking photos of us ever since you sat here. And for now, it looks innocent, explainable. But, if say, I kiss you right now, how would you explain that to your boyfriend? He's gonna have to break up with you. And then you'll be free and you could be with me, and you'll be happy again.'

I stared at him in shock. I didn't recognise the man I fell in love with last summer.

'Harry, I don't know what's going on with you, and from the smell, you're definitely drunk. You're really starting to scare me. I mean It's bad enough that you stalked me back in Paris, but now this? I used to feel safe around you, but now I'm not so sure anymore. Whatever is going on in your head, fix it. Oh, and by the way, I am perfectly capable of being happy on my own. I don't need a guy to be able to feel happy and I certainly don't need you. And if things don't work out with Alex, don't think for even a second, I'm gonna drop everything and be with you. There's a lot more than Alex stopping us from being together. I'm going back to my boyfriend now. It would be best if you leave. Goodbye Styles.'

I stood up and left not even giving him a chance to reply or explain himself.

Just before the night ended we all gathered around the birthday cake they got for me as they all sang 'Happy birthday'. 'Make a wish' They cheered.

'I wish I'll find a way to be happy without hurting anyone.' I thought before I blew the candles.

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