I open my eyes and see gigantic eyes infront of me. I slapped it. What the fuck was that goddamn it! And yeah it was Jihyo i forgot she slept above me. She's now in the floor with a red mark on her cheek.

"WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT FOR!!" She screamed at me while looking mad.

"ITS YOUR FAULT WHAT WERE YOU DOING ANYWAY." She sat up and try to stand up straight.

"I was trying to wake you up, It is our first day of school." I narrowed my eyes.

Jihyo sighed and facepalm herself. "How can you forgot what happen yesterday, Do you have amnesia or something?"

Dang I just remembered what happen. I was red i felt embarrassed. Jihyo laughed and went up to get a towel. God! What is wrong with me seriously! She went down from the bunkbed with a towel wrapped around her neck.

"Take a shower Jeongie, You wreak of trash." I smell myself and frown.

What the fuck! Why do I smell like this. After Jihyo shower I quickly took one to. I went out looking fresh and started to dry my hair. We went to the closet when we found our uniform.

It was a normal school uniform but much more stylish i think. Dang Jihyo weren't wrong this school is rich. We wore it and I wear my blazer. Jihyo stopped and looked at me like something is missing.

"Hey, where's the tie ?" I looked at the closet and found it on the floor.

We have to use ties for this but I don't know how to wear one. "Yah, Thomas can you help me with it?" She laughed because I can't tie a tie.

Man why can't you tie one stupid Yoo. She then came near me and wrapped the tie around my neck and tie it for me. She finished it and she looked amaze. What? Do i look that good?

"Dang you look handsome?" In a confused tone.

Well duh I have short hair of course I look handsome rather than pretty. She then took her bag and mine and shove mine to me.

"Come on Jeong, time to go." To be honest I'm very lazy to go to school but I don't have a choice.

We went out locked the door and went to the lift. I pressed for the lift to came.

"Jeong seriously, Why can't you just tucked it in! and Whhy is your blazers unbuttoned?" I facepalm myself.

This train is seriously so neat. What's the matter anyway it's not like i could go to jail right. The lift arrived when it opened my eyes went wide.

Damn it it's those girls again why do i have to be in the same lift as them. Jihyo went in with me following behind her while looking at the floor. We stood side by side. But I felt it again. This girls are seriously watching me.

What's their problem I can feel it that's the problem. I heard them whispering but I couldn't make a word of it. I felt something like a tapped on my shoulder before I turned the lift arrived and I quickly went out. Jihyo was trying to catch me when I reached the car.

It was the same BMW car with the same driver. She get in and was about ask when i motion her to stop. What are those girls planning? What's wrong with them? When i heard a snapped. It came from non other than Hyo-Mas.

"What happened to you there." She looked concerned.

"I don't know. I have a weird vibe around those girls that kept looking at me as if I'm some sort of a criminal!" I was panicking.

I never get used to getting watched like that. Jihyo pat my head. "They're probably just into you, maybe?" My eyes were wide.

Yeah right. Them into me. In a million dreams. We went silent as the car drove to the academy.

Nayeon's POV

We were talking on the lift as usual. Gossiping about people. When the lift opens. It was that boy or a girl ughhh what ever it is. Her eyes went wide. We all looked at each other.

Her friend got in while she's following her looking down. What's up with her? And wow she looks hot-! Wait! What! No way! Why did I say that? I mean she was wearing her uniform wrong.

Untucked unbutton What is she a badgirl or a badboy but it looks good. Whatever. We were all staring at her. Momo and Sana was grinning I already knew it. They are into her. Hah in their dreams. We all looked at each other.

"She's fucking hot!" Momo whispered.

"I know right, She's mine so just give up." Sana said while grinning.

"In your dreams!" I mumbled.

Mina was silent but I know it from her eyes she's into her. We are all into her. Well not me! I think? Wait what! Momo then tried to talk to her. She tried tapping her shoulder when the lift opened she left. Her friend followed her and they hurriedly to their car.

"What's up with her?" I was confused.

Was she embarrassed? I bet she can't hold our prettiness.

"Maybe she's sick?" Mina said that and Momo became worried.

"Should we bought her some medicine?" Sana hit her.

"More like I should buy her one." She stated while teasing Momo they were staring at each other furiously when our Limo arrived.

"Seriously you both it's not a staring contest so stopped it and beside She's mine not yours!"

Wait what did I just say. Did I just say, Ughhhh What is wrong with me? They went inside with Mina. We were sitting when Momo and Sana started teasing me again.

"I guess you like her, huh unnie." I narrowed my eyes as they started laughing.

I don't like her I just did it so they'll get in the car fast. Besides she was rude went out like that. I hissed at them and they look down. Mina smiled and went lost in her thoughts again still looking at the view outside.

"What you're thinking penguin?" She ignored me but she answers eventually.

"Nothing just thinking about someone e-eh I meant something." She's stuttering again what is wrong with her.

Before I can ask any further we arrived the same time as those transfered students. I saw them getting welcomed from the car by the council and Mr Park. Wait what! Mr Park! I opened the window to see them clearly. He was patting on the short girl head.

Is she her daughter? All of us looked at them. She noticed someone was watching her so she turned her head. She narrowed her eyes and then turned again and followed Mr Park inside with her friend who has the big eyes.

"How rude!" I stated.

Momo, Sana and Mina were still amazed at her but came back to their senses when I speak.

They sighed "She's just annoyed Unnie, we have been looking at her."

I don't care I'm still annoyed what was that for. She thinks she's that important well we'll see. We went out but this time there were no fans because the council has cleared them all for those transfered students.

What so important about them? Is she really his daughter? If not why did she pat her? Then I bumped into someone I looked up and it was her. The short hair girl with her friend the big eyes standing behind her.

"Watch it will ya!" While narrowing her eyes.

I was shooked. I was mad. Did she just erghhh that girl I swear I'll torn her to pieces. Before I could talk she and her friend left still following Mr Park. Oh she'll see what happens next to her. My friends followed me inside the class. They were holding they're laughter.

"I guess someone is finally brave enough to say that to you." Mina laughed.

That girl I swear She will die when I see her. Who does She think She is? She doesn't know me? Well She'll soon find out who I am. Geez.

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