Chapter 59 - Table For Two

Start from the beginning

"I already had to push the outing back to Saturday. The least you can do is let me dress you." She puts her hands on her hips and goes into diva mode.

"You already did my hair and make-up. I get to choose the clothes." She basically assaulted me as she tugged on my hair, curling it slightly and putting it up. It looks really nice, I will admit that. And my make-up is probably better than I would even bother to do. But the clothes she is pulling are ridiculous.

"Ok, fine. What do you wanna wear then? And if you say jeans and a top, I will stab you with my heels, and then make you wear them." She threatens.

"I will consider a long dress that covers my arms, chest, legs, and everything else. Let's put me in a Burka, yeah?" I say, half hoping.

"No." she says plainly.

"Lucky for you, I do have a long dress. And it's beautiful. And yes it is short sleeved. And no it doesn't show too much cleavage. But just enough to attract the cuties." She winks.

I pretend to gag and she rolls her eyes.

"I'm happy to let you be the one dressed all fancy." And she does look pretty girly right now. Purple heels, stunning dark blue dress. Not too short, not showing much. You think she'd dress like a little skank, but she's more conservative than I thought she would ever be. Not that she's a skank. Hasn't even kissed a guy. I was hoping I would be the same. But that asshole Alex took that away from me.

"No. You are going to wear a dress, and you're going to like it." She digs through the suitcase she brought. Yes, an actual suitcase.

She pulls out a beautiful sky/aqua blue dress that has a long flowy length. It reaches the floor, and has one strap going from top right of the dress, and up across my left shoulder. Silver beads make a pattern along the strap.

"Wow. Did you rob a model?" I say, slightly stunned.

"My aunties a famous designer. She designs me amazing dresses all the time. I wore this to her last fashion show. It was a little too long on me, even with heals. But on you it should fit perfectly." She says with a squeal at the end as she holds it out to me to take and try on.

"Ok, fine. I'll try it on. But only because it would be a crime not to." I carefully grab the dress and walk into my bathroom. I pull the zipper up on the side and run my hands along the dress.

"Wow." I say again. It fits like a glove.

"Well come on out." Kat instructs expectantly.

I open the door, lifting the dress so I don't trip. Bare footed it's a little long.

"Oh.Em.Gee!" she squeals again.

"That bad?" I laugh nervously.

"Are you kidding me? It's perfect!" she starts to jump up and down, clapping her hands as she does so.

"Here, put these on." She digs through her suitcase and pulls out a pair of sparkling silver heels.

"What is with everyone making me wear heels? I'm 16!" I throw my arms in the air in frustration.

"You're almost 17. Now shut up and put them on." I sit down on my bed and do as she says.

Once I'm done, she gives me diamond studs to put in, and I comply. She makes me stand up, and pushes me in front of my full length mirror.

"I am way too dressed up, even to go to a 5 star restaurant." I gulp nervously.

"No you're not." She swats me away from the mirror and forces me out of the room.

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