Chapter 14 - You'll Always Be My Blue Eyes

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A/N: Such a filler chapter haha :) sorry for it being so short :/

I just want to say thank you to all my amazing fans. I seriously cannot believe how amazing and perfect you all are! It means so so much to me just how much you like this book. My dream has always been to write a book on wattpad that people like, and have 1,000 reads and 50 votes. I have 48 votes and almost 900 reads! We're so close!

Thank you for all the support and awesome comments! This probably sounds stupid, but I have always wanted to be one of those Glamberts that other Glamberts ask questions. Like if you're not sure about something about Adam or anyone associated with him, just ask. Inbox me, comment your question, or tweet me :)

I love you all so much!

-Em xo

Chapter 14:

Sauli's POV:

The past week has been hard, and exhausting. Darcy hasn't been out of her room much, and when she does come out, tear streaks mask her cheeks like unending waterfalls.

It hasn't been completely bad though, I guess. Monday was terrible but it got easier by Friday. Actually, Friday was the best day she's had since she came to live with us.

We made a break through and she actually smiles more now.


"Darc? Why don't we go for a walk? It will help clear your head." I say through her bedroom door.

After a minute or two it opens and she smiles a little, her hair in a messy bun, water dripping from the ends since she just had a shower.

"That doesn't sound too bad." She says quietly.

Over the last week we have talked a little more, and I now understand her full story. I know what emotions she felts and what she truly went through with Daniel. I can't believe someone could be so sick, so low.

We walk downstairs, and Darcy keeps a good distance between us. We leave the house and get into my silver-grey car. I can see her nerves showing in her light blue eyes, but she tries to act calm and comfortable.

"I'm sorry for being so difficult the past week." She says quietly, and I barely hear her.

"You aren't difficult. You're just a little more scared than others, but that's totally understandable. Considering everything that went on in your last." I say, glancing at her and then back to the road.

"It was a setback. I was getting better. And I'll get back there one day. Hopefully one day soon. I just need a little help, I guess, but I don't know what from." She says, an unsure look on her face.

"You know we'll help in any and every way we can, no matter what." I pull into the car park of the beautiful park and smile as we both get out of the car.

"I love it here. It's so peaceful." I mumble as we walk down the path. Families and kids run around, laughing and playing.

"It does seem quote nice. It feels like those clichéd parks that people in movies or books go to. But I'm happy about that. It's so....calm." She says, sighing lightly and smiling a little.

"Is there many parks where you used to live?" I wonder.

"Not really. I live more towards the city. I haven't been to a park since I was 13." She says with a small and slightly forced laugh.

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