Chapter 80 - Positive Sign

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Chapter 80:

I scribble down a few more things as the bell on the front jingles. I look up and see a taller blonde haired woman walk in with a 5 year old on her hip.

"Hi how are you?" I say happily, standing up and walking to the front of the round counter that sits along the corner of the front waiting room.

"I'm good, how are you?" she says back kindly. Well they do exist. A polite dance mum.

"Good. So are you here for a dance class?" I ask, sharing a small smile with the cute little girl.

"Yes we are. This is Isabelle, she's here for ballet. We're a little early." She laughs, and Isabelle cuddles into her mum, a little shy at the moment.

"My favourite class of the day. My name's Darcy, I'm the owner and one of the choreographers for some of the classes at the studio. I actually teach the 4 to 6 year old ballet class. It starts in 10 minutes, but you can go down into the room if you would like. The 3rd room on the right." I wave a little to Isabelle as her mum thanks me and goes down into the studio.

Not long after a few others turn up and by the time the class starts, there's 13 little girls in tutus and beginner ballet slippers.

I walk into the room, my hair in a bun and my dance clothes hugging my body.

"Hey everyone. My name's Miss Darcy and I am your dance teacher." I say happily as I watch them run around a little, but soon pay attention as I start talking.

"Why don't we start with some stretches?" they all line up in a few rows and copy me as I show them half a dozen stretches.

The class goes on and I slowly learn all of their names. Some are a little better behaved than others, but that's something we'll work on. They are the cutest little things, and memories of me at their age come back to me.

All of the classes I took and loved. Ballet from 2 years old and pointe as well when I turned 10. I started hip-hop when I was 7, and did contemporary from 6 years old.

I'm living my dream, and everything seems to be so perfect. I have at least 10 kids in every class, a lot of them doing multiple classes, and the bills are getting payed. Sure we're a little behind because the sign was more than I expected, but we'll be okay. My dad's constantly want to help us out financially, but I keep telling them that I want to do this on my own. I want to be able to live a full life without their help, even though I appreciate it more than anything.

I've always been independent, and no matter what I've been through, that's never changed and never will.

I'm going to hopefully do just what my teachers did for me. Inspire others to live their dreams, and to keep dancing and loving it. Soul and Heart is a safe environment. No crazy dance mum's, no ridiculous hours and routines. Sure we'll have exquisite choreography for the older and more advanced classes/dancers, but I won't push them to do things they can't.

My whole life, all I've ever wanted to do was dance. And now...I am.


My breathing picks up and I feel like I'm about to pass out. The sounds and sights zone in and out as I feel suffocated. I manage to make it to the front door. The tears stream down my face uncontrollably as I knock pleadingly.

The broken sobs rack my body and lungs, feeling as if someone is grabbing them and squeezing them until I beg to pass out. But they don't let me sleep. They don't let me pass out like I want. They taunt me and let go just before I can fall into darkness. But they repeat the action over and over until I beg to die again.

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