Chapter 40 - It's Over

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A/N: Hey babes!! OMG I'm so sorry for not updating. I have had NO Internet for weeks!! I have written up to chapter 64 and my god I want to update to that chapter so bad but I won't. You can have two chapters today hopefully. I hate not updating, especially when by chapter 64 my chapters are like 4000 words each (these chapters now are so short I feel sick about it!!) so when I finish work experience this week and get back to school, I'll update every second day if I can, until I run out of Internet of course. Which knowing me will be soon :/ anyway, here's a shitty ass chapter and I want to thank you all for 28 thousand reads!!! OMG I love you all so so sooooo much!!!

I love you <3

-Em xo

Chapter 40:

A minute or 2 after Sauli left the room, after hugs and words were exchanged; I turned our conversation to a more serious path.

"We need to talk about something you said." I say, giving him a serious, and slightly pissed off, look.

He laughs innocently, though I can tell he doesn't exactly know what this is about.

"What was that 11th grade comment? I thought they were going to get me to repeat year 10." I am so not ready for year 11.

"Well..." He says, his voice going up an octave or 2 as he laughs again nervously.

"Adam Mitchel Lambert, you tell me what's going on this instant." I say with a look that basically says 'If you don't tell me the truth I'll be the one to shoot you this time.'

"Ok here's the thing." He hesitates, but soon starts talking again.

"Once your grades were sent over, and they saw that you completed 3 quarters of year 10, they were happy to count it as a graduation. And since you'll be 17 next year, even though the schools weird and you go back next week, you're still the perfect age. It won't be that different if you think about it." I cross my arms, so not looking amused.

I sigh loudly and pace the room.

"It's a lot different! It's the year before my senior one, and it's a new school, with a new time table and class times, in a whole different country! I'm not ready. At least with year 10 I already knew what to expect. I'll be eaten alive!" I say, using my hands and arms in big gestures as I talk and pace at the end of his bed.

The kids are going to kill me!

"It'll be okay. I promise. It will be fine. You're one of the bravest girls I know; you'll come out on top and make tons of friends." He smiles reassuringly, but that only causes me to stop, look at him blankly, and continue to pace.

"Cómo se puede prometer algo que no puedes controlar? Exactamente. No se puede. Ellos me derribará cada vez que pueden. Ah, y solo tiene que esperar hasta que se enteran de que soy la hija de un famoso. Van a hacer mi vida un infierno solo para conseguir entradas para un concierto tuyo o otro celebridad que más conozco como familia ahora. Cómo se supone que voy a sentir bien con algo de eso?" I say, sighing in defeat at the end.

I look at Adam who looks completely confused, Sauli standing next to him who looks exactly the same.

"What did I miss?" Sauli asks sceptically and Adam shrugs, neither of them taking their eyes off me, as if I was a talking dolphin.

"She's been talking like that for like 5 minutes now. I don't even know if it's human." Adam says nervously as he smiles wearily at me. Jesus these 2 have no culture!

Ok maybe besides Sauli...

"It's Spanish you uncultured swine!" I say a little louder than normal. They both just continue to stare. Am I an alien or something?!

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