The Broken Man Pt.3

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Clayton Jones
It was 11:00am the next morning. I sat at Hayden's messy work station fashioning myself a new pair of Wrist Rifles. These ones are probably the best set I've ever crafted. They are crafted with a much more powerful battery that I found just lying around on Hayden's table.

I took the liberty of adding a grappling hook attachment to both of the Wrist Rifles.

I heard Hayden groan behind me. I glanced over at him and he was rubbing his head. Waking up from his hangover, and punch to the face.

"Damnit" he mumbled sitting up and looking over at me.

"I thought you were just a bad dream" Hayden rubbed his head. I just finished the wrist Rifles and was now adjusting the straps to the right size for my arm.

Hayden stood up and walked over to his small kitchen where he grabbed a bottle of Advil from the cabinet.

"Did you punch me?" He asked.

"I had to shut you up" I answered.

He dry swallowed two pills back to help his headache then noticed the empty plate next to me.

The plate was from breakfast.

"Did you eat my food?" He asked.

"Your Mom gave it to me. Sweet lady, she put one in the microwave for you too" I answered still working with the straps.

Hayden glanced over at the microwave.

"How do you work in these conditions Hayden" I grumbled.

Hayden focused back on me.

"I don't- What the hell am I doing?" He asked as if the shock of me sitting in his room was finally setting in.

"Your a wanted criminal Clayton! I shouldn't be speaking to you right now, it could risk the deal I made with the feds. I told them everything I knew about you, and the Blacksmith and they let me walk free"

"Oh yeah, how'd that go?" I laughed grabbing a screwdriver and tightening a somewhat loose screw on the Wrist Rifle.

"Not well, they didn't believe half of it. But the half they did believe was enough to buy my freedom. So long as I stayed away from you" he complained having his own mini freak out.

"Mhm" I answered.

"You realize I have no part in this killing spree of yours right? I didn't help you survive the island, I didn't help your family. I didn't do it. I couldn't"

"Mhm, yeah, and that's why you owe me" I spoke placing the Wrist Rifle down on the table.

"Owe you? Get real man, I don't owe you shit!" He shouted.

"You owe me! You got me the job in the first place. We were best friends and you did nothing to even warn my family when you knew what was going to happen!" I shouted getting up on my feet and poking his chest over and over.

"Are you here to kill me?" He asked, face showing fear.

"No, I would've done that last night. I'm here because I need your help. And seeing you got me in this mess I figured you should get me out of it"

"I didn't send you on that murder spree dude! You can't pin that on me" Hayden remarked.

"Not that stupid. I know all about your little trip to the diner!" I shouted.

I glanced over at a receipt I found in the trashcan last night. I dumped the can to search for any extra parts. But instead I learned that it was Hayden who tipped off the police about my wherebouts.

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