New York's Protector Pt.2

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Kwin Will's

I arrived back at Will's Manor late, I was beat to a pulp earlier. Those ninjas weren't messing around. I collapsed onto a couch in the living room and exhaled a strained, tired breath. My voice itself was wheezing. 

"Are you okay sir?" Vinson asked.

"I...What happened?" I asked my world spinning in the couch.

"You lost sir, but according to my scanning you don't have any major injuries. That new armour should did do a lot sir. One nights sleep and you should be back to normal" Vinson explained.

He was right though, I felt awful, but most of it wasn't even physical, it was mainly all in my head. I haven't lost a fight like that in years. Unless you count Red Shadow of course, but even then it's not like I had to bear the failure by myself.

"Who were they?" I asked. "What do we have on them?"

"Not much, there's a police file reporting a series of attacks across the united states talking about, and I quote 'Freaking Ninja's kicking our asses'. In fact these reports have been coming from across the globe."

"Why am I just hearing about this now?" I asked placing my hand to my pounding head.

"All of these reports have been reported in the last forty eight hours sir, and more are coming in everyone couple minutes, most countries are calling these Ninja's 'Shades'." Vinson replied.

"Jesus, so there's a whole army of these pricks" I mumbled.

"It would seem that way sir, what could they be after?" Vinson asked.

"Well, they clearly want my brother. What for I'm not sure" I mumbled.

"You aren't thinking clearly sir. Try that nap, we will continue this conversation later" Vinson spoke. I agreed and exhaled deeply.

My vision when extremely blurry and I fell over onto the couch so that I was lying down. My vision went dark and suddenly, I was standing in Roman Gold's training facility. Watching a younger me and Roman Gold across the room.

"Faster Kwin!" Roman gold ordered, wearing his Chinese silk robe. I wore a gold and black robe and was punching at a dummy over and over. I was probably only seventeen at the time, me having first met Roman when I was little, I joined him and began training much later, when I was sixteen is when I walked into the training facility. I spent the next what was it? six or seven years with him at that place.

"I can't, alright! My hands are like jelly, my arms are noodles"

"Then your dead" Roman answered harshly.

"Shut up" I grumbled striking the dummy again, and again.

"How do you expect to avenge your parents with hits like that?" Roman asked.

"Shut up" I spoke louder, still focusing on the dummy. Striking it at the same strength and pace as before. I tried to swing harder or faster but i couldn't, all my energy and strength has been drained from me.

"You are a failure! I never should've accepted training you!" Roman mocked, I see now that all of this was only to push me further, and I think the younger me knew that too. But it didn't stop me from doing what was next.

"SHUT UP!" the young me shouted turning and jumping at Roman Gold. Roman Gold just stepped back, which successfully dodged the attack. But the young me was stubborn and rash he kept trying to land a hit on Roman Gold. Roman Gold dodged the attacks, again and again. Until Roman used his wooden staff to trip up my feet.

I crashed hard onto the ground.

"Another fail. I'll see you tomorrow" Roman Gold spoke turning and beginning to walk out of the room.

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