New York Protectors Pt.3

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Kwin Will's
I made it to Eric's Hospital room not long after he was taken in. His parents and sister we're inside the room talking to him, while I sat outside. I've been here for several hours already and I knew time was ticking for Eric.

I was still wearing my outfit underneath my hoodie and jeans that I bought on my way here. Boy was that awkward, walking into the marks store wearing my Amazing Man outfit, mask and all.

When would he be here? I made the call hours ago, and I know he's in town. So where the hell is he?

I can't believe I caused this, Eric Lockwood, my long time friend was going to pay the ulimate price because I just had to avenge my parents and wear a stupid fucking mask.

He has always had my back.

When we were little kids, I remember  we were in our third grade class in public school, probably what? Seven years old at most at the time. I wasn't in a private school, since the heads of Will's Robotics made my life decisions, and they just did whatever my parents did as kids. I had a nanny, and a butler at my small apartment in New York, since even as a kid I refused to go to the Manor.
One day In class, I remember the teacher told us to paint our family, and I had issues painting anything. The teacher knew all about my situation, but what I learned years later was that her husband worked at Will's Robotics, but he was killed in a construction accident.

One of the other students, I don't even remember his name, Tommy? Bobby? I don't know, he was big, and had a buzz cut. He laughed at me for being a orphan.

I wanted to hit him, I was in tears, and pratically jumped at him in rage, little seven year old Amazing Man was gonna scratch this little brats eyes out. Could you imagine?

Eric stopped be though, dragging me away from the prat. I ran out of the classroom in tears, I was embarrassed and sad because I was different then the other kids at my school.

I hid in the Janitors closet. Crying my eyes out, because i didn't have a family to paint, nor did I remember the family I had. I knew what my parents looked like, mainly from photos. But all I remember is shadows, I can't remember what they sound like.

Eric came in. He sat down beside me and supported me through that day. I remember him saying

"I will always be there for you Kwin"

And the sad, little me wiped away the tears and asked him.

"Like a brother?" And Eric agreed. After that we'd do everything together. We got our first part time job together at a pizza place. He was my wingman in high school with my first girlfriend. I was practically a second son to his parents. His older sister treated me like a realitve too. There were several years where I spent my birthdays and Christmas's with them.

"You can see him Kwin" someone spoke snapping me back to the hospital.

It was Lauren, Eric's sister. I came to my feet and nodded. She had tears on her face, and her parents followed her out. Judging by the look on all of there faces Eric didn't say anything about what he saw at the club.

I walked into the hospital room. They had Eric all hooked up in a single room. Which I made sure he'd have.

"Hey" I spoke walking in and sitting down at a chair next to him. Eric was looking out the window, he didn't answer me.

I pointed at the window, it was raining heavy outside. The sun was rising on the horizon.

"Damn Rain eh?" I joked.

"What if this is my last sunrise?" Eric asked looking out blankly at the sun.

"Dude-" I started but Eric looked over at me with a confused and angry face.

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