A Banshee's Duty Pt.4

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I sat in Cody's apartment in New York, he had everything packed into boxes and only a handful of bags ready to go.

"Cody, you really don't have to do this" I spoke sipping on a coffee. Cody was moving away today, his plan was to sell or just leave whatever he couldn't bring with him.

"I do! Shannon I can't even look at you!" Cody shouted outraged.

My coffee was extremely hot going down my throat, so hot that it burned me. I took the lid off of the plastic coffee cup and used my newly given Banshee Powers to send a small breeze into the cup and cool it down.

"See! That's what I'm talking about!" Cody shouted pointing to my cup, as I put the lid back on it and took another sip.

"Those powers got Mom killed! And I can't be here to see the powers getting you killed too!" Cody shouted grabbing two of his duffel bags and turning towards the exit.

"Cody, the powers didn't get Mom killed, she died because she wasn't strong enough to save herself, not to mention the Gods did nothing to protect her" I stated not standing from my seat.

"Exactly! The Gods didn't do anything to save her! They haven't done anything for our family at all! So why are you helping them? What makes you just want to bow to there service as the Banshee and do there work for them?" Cody shouted.

"Cody" I started standing and placing my hand on Cody's shoulder.

"I'm not doing it for the gods, I'm doing it for the people. If I don't do this, the people will be vulnerable to the ghouls and demons of the Demon World" I explained.

Cody shook his head.

"They have completely brainwashed you haven't they?" Cody asked looking at me in shock, he turned and practically ran out of his apartment.

I sat down in his apartment, and sipped on my coffee in silence. I had just lost another member of my family, with no idea of where he was going to disappear too, he might as well have been dead.

That was the last time I saw my brother.


Present Day

I stood in the nearly empty Board Room now, pacing back and fourth. Oscar and Cody both sat at the table, Cody having his feet up on the desk and munching away at one of the free chocolate chip cookies that were provide to the Board Room.

"MAN! THESE ARE GREAT!" Cody shouted pieces of the cookie flying out of his mouth.

"Say it man" Oscar said wiping his face. "Don't spay it"

The Board Room doors opened and Emilia Walker entered. She took one look at the room, between Oscar, Myself and finally Cody.

"So, you are the outlaw Bolt that I've heard so much about?" Walker asked standing her ground.

Cody stood up, threw the rest of the cookie into his mouth and walked over to shake Walker's hand, chocolate covered fingers and all. What he did wasn't exactly a hand shake however, he did one of those front claps, back claps and a fist bumps. I can't believe he just did some kind of secret hand shake to Emilia Walker! It did however put a smile on Oscar's face as he tried not to laugh.

"Cody Yulie! Who are you?" He asked confused as he turned and walked back over to his chair, making himself comfortable once again.

"I'm the leader of the Banshee Europe Division, my name is Emilia Walker" She introduced herself.

"Yeah, I know. It's kinda hard to avoid people if you don't know there name"

"We are aware of your deeds Mr. Yulie, and we are all aware of you trying so hard to avoid us, but If I might ask Mr. Yulie, you had tried so hard to stay out of our radar, yet here you are, standing in my Board Room. So I must ask, Why?"

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