1~the first text

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Keith POV
Heyyyy is this Shiro

No but this is his roommate.
What do you want with Shiro?

Chill, he told me to text him about a job interview
You see my mama is making me get a job sooooo I talked the to my buddy Pidge and she said her brother's and dad's friend is hiring, and that led to Shiro telling me to give him a text

You didn't have to send that second text because I don't really care about your mommy issues. Anyways his actual number is
(Inserts Shiro's number).
Now stop texting me.

Wow how rude! Anyways I want to know your name I bet you are a beautiful rich white girl who only uses Shiro as a sugar daddy hmph

1: I am a male.
2: I am practically like his YOUNGER brother.
3: He is gay and has a loving boyfriend named Adam.
So fuck you.

Well ok, but that doesn't give me your name mine is Lance Lance McLane -.•

It's Keith Kogan. Now once again, stop. Texting. Me.

Ok my dudes, short first chapter but I'm tired, anyways I shall update tomorrow. If you don't see an update by 11:00P.M (at least where I am lol) then spam me. And plz try to remind me all throughout tomorrow. Anyways to my readers from my last book, I hope I didn't disappoint to much with this short first chapter, I love you all, BYE!

(COMPLETE) Klance~the last messageWhere stories live. Discover now