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Third Person point of view.

All the demigods in camp Half-blood were going about their day as if nothing was unusual. Some were on the climbing wall, doing their best to climb fast enough to avoid the lava, Some were sparring in the sword arena, others were practicing archery at the archery range. And others took part in the various other activities that were available at camp Half-blood. None had any idea that two dark beings had formed an alliance, and that one of them planned to overthrow the gods.

Leo Valdez was walking through the woods, heading to bunker 9. Before he could get there, however, he was interrupted as a tall man dressed all in black appeared out of seemingly nowhere. As the man turned to face Leo he said, "Valdez You are coming with me,"

He went to grab Leo's arm, but Leo stepped aside, barely escaping the man's grasp. Leo took a few steps further away from the man, for the moment he didn't try and stop him. As Leo did that he asked, "Who are you, and why in the name of Hades should I go anywhere with you?"

" Who I am is none of your business at the moment Valdez, and I suggest you come with me willingly, otherwise, it will mean more pain for you and your friends in the long run,"

Leo suspected that if he ran the guy would just follow and possibly catch him. Leo suspected that he was extremely powerful, and his last statement made it pretty clear that he didn't have good intentions. The guy also kind of creeped him out. When he looked at the man's face what stood out the most was the man's eyes. They were a combination of red and black. What bothered Leo more though was that  the man's voice seemed vaguely familiar.

Leo quickly came up with a plan although he wasn't completely sure it would work. He threw a fireball at the man, before starting to run. He had barely taken four steps away from the man when the man once again appeared in front of him. It seemed Leo's fireball had done little more than damage the man's clothes. Leo was running out of ideas.

Suddenly Leo felt something hit his head and he lost consciousness.

It was a few hours before anyone realised Leo was missing. They realised what had happened when one of his siblings went to remind him that it was almost time for dinner. Nyssa thought her half brother would be in bunker nine, but once she got there she searched the bunker and didn't find him. She didn't find him in the surrounding woods either. She asked around camp but everyone said he had gone to bunker 9. It soon became evident that he wasn't anywhere in camp. Disappointed and filled with worry for Leo, She went to find Chiron.

As Nyssa told Chiron about her missing brother, worry spread over the old centaur's face.

Ideas of what might have happened to Leo went through both their heads, and both of them feared that Leo was dead. After that meeting, some campers went and searched the woods, but once again they were unsuccessful.

None of the campers had any idea what they would be facing soon, nor did any of the mortal superheroes realize that they would soon be faced with their strongest foes yet.

When Leo Valdez returned to consciousness he found himself in a small dimly lit room that he quickly realized was a prison cell.

He quickly guessed that the man had knocked him out and brought him here. He started trying to come up with a way to escape, but his hope for freedom was quickly dashed as he realized that his toolbelt was gone and that the shackles that bound his wrists must have been enchanted to suppress his powers. He could do nothing but sit in the cold uncomfortable cell and wait.

He wasn't even sure what he would be waiting for, would someone eventually come to bring him food and water? He was getting hungry. Would they tell him why he had been captured and taken there?

Would his friends come to try and rescue him?

Leo didn't know all he knew was that he'd been abducted by someone, but he had no idea who, or why they'd done it. Leo's mind was racing and he fidgeteed almost nonstop. Could his abduction just be the beginning of another war? Leo couldn't think of anyone other than an enemy of the gods who would want to abduct him. Besides the guy that attacked him had kind of given him the creeps. Leo also reminded himself that his friends might have no idea what happened to him. His abductor wouldn't have left any traces behind for anyone to find, and Leo had no idea where he was and even if he did he had no way of contacting his friends. He had no drachmas, and even if he did he doubted he could make a rainbow in his dimly lit cell. Leo was sure that if had to stay locked up for too long he would lose his mind. Because of his ADHD he couldn't sit still and there wasn't much he could do in the cell.

A tall man dressed all in black stood before an ancient and powerful being. He said, "Father, what should I do next?"

"Go to our forces and ensure tat our war preparations are going as they should,"

The man nodded before disappearing form the room in a flash of red light.

Once he arrived at the base he walked amongst his forces ensuring that they were preparing for the upcoming war. Many of his warriors bowed as he passed knowing that it would be unwise for them not to show the man the proper respect. Anyone who wasn't doing what they were supposed to quickly learned their lesson as the man did not take such behavior well. 

A woman walked up to the man and as she reached his side he took her hand in his she said, "I missed you,"

"I missed you too," the man replied honestly

He continued, "I would have come sooner but my father has been keeping me busy,"

The woman quickly pecked the man on the lips before they left the base together. 

A/N What do you guys think of this so far, I know I haven't revealed much yet, but you will find out who the characters in this part were soon enough if you haven't guessed it already.  I have been working on this story for a while, so I hope you will like it.  I will continue to update my other stories. I am not putting anything on hold. It just might take a while to update some stories depending on whether I have writer's block on them or not. 

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