"It's simple really-" he begins as he taps his foot against the concrete. "-you"

Thoughts clouded my mind. "M-me?"

He gives me a nod before a sadistic grin plastered over his thin lips. "Yes, my dear Grace. You. I've wanted you since the day you were born-" he began.

His words ring through my head as alerts suddenly go off. Since I was born? Had he been watching me for that long? I thought back to what he had said a couple of days ago. He had watched me, stalked me. Almost as if he knew every deep thought about me.

"But why?" I ask in bewilderment and he shoots me a dirty glare.

He clears his throat. "I knew it was you. It had to be. Your blonde curly locks to your gorgeous green eyes, you strike such a resemblance"

Confusion strikes through me as I stare down at him, looking for any sort of understanding but instead he lets out a creepy smile.

He was sick. He had to be. All this rambling was for nothing. Who knew, maybe he was lying?

I pushed on.

"I don't know what it is you want from me or whoever I resemble. But what you did was wrong-" I begin, glancing at the people behind him, hoping they heard every word that boomed out of my throat. "-my family will come looking for you. My boyfriend will. People have already started and-" but he cut me off when I failed to see the back of his palm connect with my cheek.

Redness swells over my cheek as I cradle my cheek, as tears that threatened to come out spilled all over, the stinging feel dribbling all over.

"You foolish girl" he snarled viciously as I watched him walk around me before sending a kick towards Tommy. He doesn't make a noise but I almost lurch forward, putting myself in between my kidnapper and Tommy as I try to shield his with me.

"No one is coming for you. I made sure of it when I sent some of my hunch man for your family"

My heart stops dead still as my eyes widen in fear. I barely managed to speak as I felt the back of my hairs stand. He cut me off. "Your poor daddy, I hope he's alright. I sure hope he's not dead yet, considering how hard his body hit that moving car"

Speechless. That's how I felt as my scratchy throat threatened to let out a scream. My heart was beating wildly in my chest as I felt the heartache roll through. I couldn't move.


I shake my head.  I refuse to believe it. My father was a strong man. Having served time in the navy and not before after becoming a technology hacker, he was the smartest and most logical man I knew. How did they hit him? While he was walking down the street? But he would've checked before crossing. I was sure of it.

He was bluffing.

I almost let out a sigh of relief, there was no way he'd let himself get hit. But then again... fear crept at the bottom of my stomach.

"You're disgusting" I spit out at him but he manages to laugh out loud even more at my words. He shakes his head.

"You know, that what I almost admired about you. Your strong fierceness or sassy attitude. Makes you the perfect candidate to be my bride"

I hold myself as I almost double take back at his words. Bride? My heart was beating furiously in my chest and sweat beads began to roll down my temple. I felt wildly uncomfortable in my skin as he watched me.

He lets out a tsk noise gathering my attention. "But enough rambling for me, I my sweet girl, have a proposition for you"

My mouth was disgustingly dry at this point. I swallow down a hard lump caught in my throat.

"W-what type of proposition?" I wanted to hit myself for my voice cracking.

He smiles before beckoning over one of the two girls behind him. I watch as the brunettes eyes widen in fear but almost manages to swallow her fear and races over to our kidnapper.

Was she a victim too?

"Yes Luke?"

My kidnapper's name was Luke. The name rang familiarity through my head as a lightbulb suddenly goes off. Luke was the name of Carter's older brother's name who had some type of disability. Could it be..?

No. It couldn't be. What motive would he have? Watching me my whole life? Carter's Luke was only a few years older than him, he would've been 5 when I was born.

"Get the first aid medical kit and recover this piece of shit back together, now"

She doesn't question but instead nods her head in commandment before rushing back towards the door, dragging the blonde girl along with her.

He snaps his attention back to me and it feels like time stands still as his perverted eyes watch me up and down.

He begins. "The deal is Grace, I will tend to your precious 'boyfriends' wounds, bandage him up so he's back to his usual dumb self but for a price"

My breath hitched as I hold my breath. A price? To save Tommy's life? I thought about saying no. Whatever it was, I knew it was going to be bad. Whether he bashed me, raped me or even more humiliating, he wouldn't think twice about doing it. But I couldn't. The word 'no' seemed to get caught up my in throat.

Tommy had a family out there. Parents, siblings, friends, girlfriends. He had people who loved him and were looking for him. They needed him just as much as he needed them. He had barely managed to survive the last 24 hours without managing to be knocked out twice with injuries worsening with every punch. Could I do it? Could I save Tommy in the risk of possibly losing mine?

Would Tommy do the same?

I let out an anxious sigh as I look back up to Luke, his heavy gaze still shifted on me, his brow raised.

Images of Tommy unconscious, battered and bruised left holes in my heart as I felt my walls inside internally crumbling. Enduring the pain Tommy must have had went through, all to protect his ego. Would he do the same to go as far to protect me too?

I hope he would.

Finally, I let out a nod without even thinking. "What's the price?"

Luke lets out an exciting grin as he claps his hand almost like a child. Then he smirks evilly at me before sneering at me.

"You're going to be my pet"

guys!!' I made it to #5 on the psychological tag!!! AHHH SO AMAZING! Can't thank you all for the reads and the views and the votes!


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