Her~ P25

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Logan's POV

She brushed herself off and walked off. I just stood there watching her. I have to fix this.
I don't know how long I can stand not helping her; being with her.

I went to class and sat with Jason.
I drop my bag and sit down and start working,
"Yo what was that with that chick at lunch?"
"I'm gonna get her back"
"Never seen you in such a phase with a girl!"
"It's not a phase, I really like her" I sigh and he nods.
"Things are just messed up right now but I'm going to fix it" I add tiredly.
"If I can help with anything let me know!" He grins cheerfully and I nod.
We have lesson like normal and I go find Chris after- we need to talk.
I grab his jacket and push him up against the wall of the empty hallway.
"What do you think your doing with her?!"
"You broke up with her! You really upset her! But that doesn't concern you does it?"
"Yes it does!"
I pause for a moment and loosen my grip but stay in front of him.
"I don't want to argue with you now Chris! I really like her!"
"You just want to get in her back into bed and leave again don't you? I know who you are Logan!"
Chris' eyebrows raised.
"Please- just listen." I say faintly and he nods.
"I had to break up with her, it wasn't a choice. And I just want her back"
He looks down at his feet but then looks back up.
"You know what? You deserve her more than me, I'll lay off from now"
My hand releases him in shock- did he actually just say that?!
"Thank you. I mean it"
He nods and I begin to walk away,
"Wait!" I turned back around to him,
"Why does Arianna always have cuts and bruises? Who did it?"
I knew that was private to her.
"I'd tell you if I could sorry."
I walk off and head home.
"Hey Rose"
She beams and beckons me over to the table to eat.
"I'm going to visit Sean after dinner, would you like to join?"
"It's fine I'll go later I need to talk to him about something."
She nods and we keep eating until we finish our meals.
She waves goodbye and leaves the house for the hospital.

I watch TV until she gets home an hour later.
"I'm back!"
"Okay I'll head out now then"
I can hear the kitchen sink running as she puts on the radio as I closed the door behind me.
I got in the car and drove to the hospital.
I get there and open his door.

There beside him sat Arianna laughing slightly.
"Oh hey little bro!" He chuckled and Arianna turned around and her smile weakened.
I didn't expect her to be here! But it warmed my heart to see them getting on.

Then I see her sweater- which turns out to be mine! I'm really happy that she even kept it!
I beam at her as shes facing Sean.
My sweater hung loosely around her as she handed him a drink.
"I like your sweater" I grin and she turns around, her cheeks becoming red.
"S-sorry do you want it back?" she stuttered nervously. I shook my head,
"It looks good on you" She gives a small smile and got out of her seat.
"I'm going to go, I'll come back in a few days!"
She grins and waves goodbye before closing the door behind her.
"How are you?" I say sitting down beside him.
"I'm fine. You really upset her Logan!"
I swear everyone is saying this!
"This is not the time to mention that Sean!"
I said annoyed and he nodded.

"Tomorrow, I'm going to fix things, for good this time"

To the one I love,Where stories live. Discover now