Thoughts~ p2

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I quickly scurried back up the stairs back up to my room and used the lock - Id put it on myself a few months back so when things got bad I'd lock myself away where I was alone.
I laid down again and looked at the ceiling and thought about mum- I wonder what she was doing right now? Where she was? It didn't matter anyway.

My mum provides for our family, since my dad doesn't leave the house. We weren't poor since my mum had a good job, but her job was demanding so i barely saw her- even when I did she'd fall asleep on the sofa before I could welcome her home. My mum knows what my dad is like but she cant do anything about it.


I started breathing quickly as I heard him starting to climb the stairs. I grabbed a hoodie,jeans and my worn out trainers before grabbing my schoolbag. I opened my window before clambering out. The door was being barged at and i could hear the hinges creak so i closed the blinds then shut the window- we had a conservatory outside my window so id usually pass time on the looking at the stars.


I climbed down the pipe attached to the side and slid down carefully before sighing and running down the street.

I kept running and running until I ran into someone-

"I-Im so sorry I didn't mean to run into you!"
The stranger glared before rolling their eyes and strutting off. I stopped at the side of the road and hunched over with my hands on my thighs trying to regain my breath.

I had a place I'd go to when this happened, since I couldn't stop at my friends house because I didn't want to be a burden, and my friends just thought that I was clumsy, as I'd normally just cover up my cuts with makeup and say I tripped again. They had no idea what the 'accidents' were and who caused them, and I preferred it that way.

I reached the cafe and went round the back and opened the door with my key- I worked here on a weekend so I had the keys.
In the break room there was a couch. I went to my locker and pulled my blanket out of it (I slept here quite usually). We opened at 8am so I normally got up at 7am and walked to school for 7:30- early but I could just go to the library that opened earlier.
This was my spot, it had been for so long since
before I met him.

Before I fell in love with him.

I rested my eyes but I couldn't sleep. I could feel that ache in my heart again, it felt as though it was breaking.

The next morning~

I woke up and stretched before checking my phone- 7:02
I changed into my jeans and hoodie and quietly opened the back entrance again and closed and locked it behind me.

I walked to the library and studied until 8am and the bell rung. It was still early so barely anybody was there.

I walk into the school bathroom and clean my cuts with water and then take some makeup out of my bag and cover my bruised eye and the cut across my cheek. A tear slipped from my eye and I wiped it away.

" Strong Girls don't cry" I repeated under my breath trying to control my breathing.
Then another girl walked in and entered a stall, I took a last breath before walking out and into my first class.

I sat at the back waiting for one of my best friends called Danielle - the most kindest person I'd met. We'd been friends since the second week of school here and we've been so close since.

Then the door opened and she walked in with a smile that lit up the room, Danielle.
My best friend was everything I wasn't:

she had pretty green eyes and a soft smile with blonde hair that stretched down her back. Whereas I had dull,dark grey/ blue eyes with lifeless brown hair that also reached my back.

"Morning buddy!" She says with a grin before sitting down beside me. I laugh before we get our books out of our bags and start the lesson.


Sitting down at the table we both see Blair, Platinum blonde hair and bright blue eyes full of life.

"What you guys are eating without me?!" She looked shocked as she dropped her bag at the table and sat down. We chat as we eat and soon enough lunch is over and I headed to my next class.

To the one I love,Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum