Overwhelmed~ p7

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We drove back to his house and we got out and walked to the front door, it was beautiful!
We were greeted by his housemaid Rose, who was already in a coat with a bag on her arm.

"I've been worried sick about you Logan! What is your mother going to say?!" She pulled him in for a hug and he looked at me embarrassed and I laughed.

"Who are you? Are you Logan's girlfriend?"
My eyes opened and a scratched my neck,
"Im sorry sometimes I'm a bit too forward!" She says light-heartedly and I smile softly.

"Well I have got places to be today so its just you two kids! Stay safe and keep out of trouble!" she chuckled and left as we walked in.

"Lets go up to my room."
He held my finger and dragged me along with him and I flopped on his bed.
"Do you need a shower?"
"Kinda do you mind?"
He shook his head and pointed to his bathroom. I brought my things into the bathroom and I closed the door and locked it,
turned on the shower and got in.
The warm water trickled down my neck as i tipped my head back. I breathed in slowly and relaxed.

I washed my body and my hair then took off my makeup and stood in the shower for a minute just thinking. Then I turned off the water and got out- where are the towels?!

I searched for a towel but there were none. I unlocked the door and peeped my head around the door and cleared my throat and he looked at me.
"Could I have a towel or do you shake like a dog?" I laughed and he smiled getting one out of the cupboard. He handed it to me and I locked the door again and got dried.

There was a big mirror in his bathroom so I did my makeup before putting on my dress.

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Can I come in?"I unlocked the door and he walked in, he was ready to go too

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

"Can I come in?"
I unlocked the door and he walked in, he was ready to go too.
His eyebrows raised and he just stared.
"Wow I look like shit compared to you."
"You don't!"
He smirked as he checked himself in the mirror quickly.
We got in the car and drove to the club.
He helped my get out and he held my hand again and we were greeted by four other people, he let go of me and went to go say hi to them.

At the back of the group was Chris.

His face grew angry and he walked up to me and crossed his arms.

"Why are you here?!"

To the one I love,Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat