⏩Larry Johnson : Confession⏪

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'Just tell her' has been the best advice given to Larry by his bestest friends, not. It gets him whining and groaning with his face hidden by his hands. 

"You guys are the fucking worst." He groans, throwing his head back with his eyes shut tight. He's so frustrated. "I just wanted some advice, I could tell her but fucking how?"

"You're the flirt here, you should know how." Todd points out. 

"Shut up Todd, you got a boyfriend anyway."

"Neil confessed, though." 

"Shut up, nerd."

"Todd has a point, you know." Sal adds. He then raises his hands in surrender as Larry frowns at him, being the one to say, "Right, right, and I got my girlfriend, jeez."

"And you bisexual fuck-"

"Y/N's more of a best friend than a girl friend, all yours, Larry." Ash cuts him off with a smile, suddenly waving at someone behind them, "Yo Y/N! Over here!"

You jog over to them, greeting those you know as you pass by. You sit beside Larry, since the group had switched seats so that he'd sit beside her. "I got partnered with Travis, ew, but good thing it was only for that one session. If I was partnered with him the whole school year, I would have been expelled."

"Y/N, we love you," Ash stops to smile innocently at Larry, who frowns at her. Ash turns back to you, "but please try to stay out of trouble."

"I'm trying, but trouble seems to find me. It's not my fault some blonde bitch has to be punched by reality, which is my fist's name." You shrug, causing them to snicker. Ever since you had come to study at Nockfell High, suddenly you were the cool kid. Everyone wanted to talk to you, some people had grown to despise your sudden popularity, and you manage to keep Travis in check at times. You had shown up once with a guitar, revealing that you started a job as an entertainer at a cafe in Nockfell. 

Due to that, the cafe's business is booming thanks to you. 

"Anyway, how are you guys? Classes still suck?" You ask, drinking from a juice box. Travis had called you out on it, and you reply that at least you try to stay healthy than be a toxic piece of shit. He ignored you for the rest of the day. 

"Math sucks, of course, but at least I got the hang of it." Sal shrugs, twisting his pasta with his fork. 

"Dude, you're good at Math, shut the fuck up." Larry jokes. "I'm good at Spanish, not gonna lie."

"Of course, dude, you're Spanish." You laugh. "You got to teach me, I suck at Spanish."

Ashley gives you a look, and you merely wink at her. She gasps.

"I'm so fucking gay for you." She covers up, making you laugh harder.

"Damnit, Ash!" 

"Well, to fulfill your request Y/N, we have the same study hall class later, so let's meet at the library?" Larry suggests.

"Why don't I have study hall with you guys, I could finally see Larry inside an actual library!" Todd jokes, causing the boy to flick his forehead. Sal gives him a high five. "Worth it."

"Again, shut up you guys." Larry groans. 

"That's, like, your favourite word now." Ash teases. 

"... Shut up."

"That's so fucking cute." You shake your head, chuckling to yourself. "Anyway, I got to go to the rest room. See you in study hall, Larry!"

"Yeah, see you."

An hour later, Larry had arrived early to look for a spot in the library. There's not much people there, but he still takes the one deserted table farthest from the door. Finally, some alone time with you. 

Soon you arrive, hair tied in a pony tail and slightly panting, "Sorry I got late, had to freshen up. Even if I'm fit, I still get tired from Gym class."

"Everyone does," He snorts. "Anyway, let's start with the basics-"

"Actually, I've been meaning to ask, "te amo" means I love you right?" You cut him off, not even looking at him as you fix your things on the table. He stares at you, trying not to say anything stupid.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"And that I love you means that you do too, right?" You finally look at him, a lopsided smile on his lips. He stares at you with a blank look, and a smirk slowly seeps onto you lips. You can see his cheeks slowly turning red, reaching up to his ears.

"What?" He weakly says, not knowing what to feel. He takes a deep breath, "Wait, I'm sorry, you caught me off guard and-"

"That's the point, sweety." You reply, picking up your Spanish book and opening it onto a certain page. "Anyway, I really suck at some parts in Spanish. What the fuck are the accents for?"

"I can teach you that." He tells you as realisation had sunk into him. "First you.."

As he teaches you, slowly you find your hands intertwined under the table.

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