⏩Sal Fisher : First Sight⏪

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It's a normal school day, and the day has been horrible to Sal. How, you ask?

First, he nearly got late after misplacing his prosthetic. He's been all over the place, flipping pillows, couches, tables, nearly breaking his dad's computer. He even went to Larry's apartment in a fit of panic to trash his room only to look for his prosthetic. Turns out it's been inside his pillowcase all along, he didn't even notice.

Next, he got into a fight with Travis- it wasn't really a fight, maybe it was Travis pushing him into the lockers and punching the daylights out of him in a fit of rage. He woke up in the clinic with a massive headache and an ice pack to his forehead; his prosthetic had been set aside so his injury could have been taken care of properly. The nurse had apologised to him for that, so he was grateful. 

Lastly, he failed a test in his Science class. It took nearly the whole squad and a teacher to get him out of the classroom, since he's made it a thing to just press hit head against his desk and stay there until he dies. 

What a day, right? What's better than to treat yourself to a new video game, that would be awesome! Well, Larry had dragged him to the store to cheer him up and it actually worked- well, a little bit. Sal's still down from what happened today.

He walks by the video game aisle (Larry went to look for a new album of Sanity's Fall), looking for an interesting game for his Gear Boy. He spots one that looks interesting, reaching out for it. He quickly pulls away as he sees someone reach out for it, and he looks off to the side to see you. 

You yourself have wide eyes as you stare at him, quickly smiling shyly, "Ah, sorry, did you want this?"

"N-No, it's fine, I can just look for another one." He tells you. He is about to leave when he spots Larry walking over.

"Dude, look! A new album-!" Larry stops, spotting you behind him. He grins, "Hey, Y/N!"

"Sup, Larry? Ooh, you got the new album already!" You greet back with a smile. You shake the video game at Sal, catching his attention, "I was really just checking this out, you can have it!"

"You're broke, aren't you?" Larry snickers, standing beside his blue haired best friend. You roll your eyes. He slings an arm around Sal, introducing him, "Oh right, this is Sal Fisher, my best friend!"

"Kinda knew him already buddy- I mean, everyone does." You shrug, smiling at Sal. "Nice to meet you though! Thought it was kinda funny when you stuck your head to your desk."

Sal would have been offended by it since his day was pretty shit, but he can't help but respond back positively, "Would do it again if I fail another test."

"Huh, I'm pretty good at Science actually. I could teach you, but-" You stop, looking down at your watch. Your eyes widen, looking back up at them, "Oh shit I gotta go. Nice talking to you guys, gotta head off!"

You wave at them, quickly rushing around them to exit the shop. 

"Pfft, that Y/N, always rushing to somewhere." Larry shakes his head. "Though I wonder why I haven't actually brought you to meet her, she's fucking cool."

".. Is it because she likes Sanity's-"

"Hell yes it's because she likes Sanity's Fall."

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