I go up to the counter. "Hey, can you please tell me where the restroom is?" I asked the girl behind the register. She pushes her black bangs out of her face by flicking her head to the side in a quick motion. She then looks up at me from her phone. I just give her a deadpan face since she's giving me one in return.

She lets out a heavy sigh then in a monotone voice said, "yeah over by the alcohol freezer." Then looks back down at her phone. What a great worker. I walk over to the single restroom and lock the door, but once I enter I pull my collar of my sweatshirt up to my mouth and nose. It smelled like straight up shi-.

"Hey is that you in there Will?" Benji knocked on the door lightly.

"Yes," my sweatshirt muffled my voice.

"Okay sweet! What's your favorite flavor of slush?"


"Yeah, you silly!"

I pause for a moment, "strawberry." I then hear him walk off somewhere. I do my business then wash my hands. Gas station restrooms are the worst. I used some paper towel to open the door and leave. I go over to the fountain drinks section of the building to see Benji making a slushie look like the rainbow with all the flavors.

"Will, look at this! Does this slushie look majestic to you?" He starts to laugh. I walk up next to him to look at the freezing colored ice in the plastic cup.

"No," I said with a straight face. His laughter stopped until I said this. "It actually looks pretty gay." His laughter gets louder by the second. I smirk a little from his ideal of humor.

He coughs before speaking, "that's very funny. I didn't think you'll have that kind of comedy in ya pal." He chuckles before handing me my pink looking slushie. I look back up at him to see him taking a long sip through the red straw.

"Um, I don't think that's-" he then whines in pain. "A good idea." I let out a frustrated sigh. "You're such an idiot," I mumbled to myself.

"It's sometimes good to freeze your brain right?" He chuckles again. "Sorry, that's a musical reference. Do you watch musicals?" Benji rubbed his temple to ease the pain.

"Not really, I only watched The Phantom of the Opera and Little Shop of Horrors. Nothing much."

"Those are good ones. My favorite all-time musical would probably be between Hairspray and Rent. Those ones are pretty good to watch." I hummed for a response. "You can pick out a couple of snacks of your choice, I'm paying." He heads to the counter.

I walk over to the snacks section and look at all of the different varieties of sweet and salty delights. I hardly ever eat junk food, I do when I feel, well, lonely and bored. I grab a bag of pretzels and two sweets from the rack. One being chocolate with coconut and the other being taffy. I never really had a favorite kind of sweet. I just grab what I see.

I walk up to the register where Benji is. He looks down at the stuff I put on to the counter, "interesting taste. How much?" He asked the girl that was leaning her head on her hand.

"It's eleven seventy-six dude." She spoke in a monotone voice still. This work is probably hell for her.

"Great." Benji hands her a twenty dollar bill. She puts in the total, then hands him back the change. "Keep it, it's your tip for tonight." He gives her a smile.

She arches an eyebrow, "are you hitting on me?"

"What? No! Sorry if you got the wrong idea. It just looks like you're having a long night of work ahead of ya, so I thought you just needed a boost in spirit." She still looked confused. "I understand money doesn't buy happiness, but it's the gesture and thought that counts." We waited for a moment to see her reaction.

She smiled a little. "Thanks, bro. That's- that's very kind of you." Benji smiled from his accomplishment. "I'm not one to share stories, but it's just- my mom." It was my turn to be confused. How could someone, that's a stranger to us, talk about their personal life? "We found out that she has cancer a week ago. So I've been working three jobs to keep the house running since she can't work for how bad it has gotten. Plus I'm trying to save up to help with her treatments. But so far no happy face results have returned to our doorstep."

It's sad to know people deal with things like this. You may think to have bad grades, or a terrible car is the worst thing in the world. When really people's innocent life's are being taken away, from a sickness, or being homeless. Everyone is like a flower, people always pick the perfect ones. The ones that don't deserve to have a short life for being kind.

I slam forty dollars on the counter. "Good luck kid." Benji and her look at me with wide eyes. "I have faith in you and your mother." Her eyes glaze over with tears.

She smiles even brighter, "thank you so much, sir!" Do I seriously look that old to be called sir? "You have no idea how much this means to me." She leans over and gives me a hug around the neck. It feels like she's choking me. "You're a true angel that was sent from heaven. God bless you." She goes back to standing.

My face is pink from embarrassment. Sometimes I hate it when I am too nice. I just don't like attention. I glance over at Benji, but I then stare at him since he was looking at me. "What?"

"You really are an angel sent from heaven Will." He gave me a small smile. We left the gas station and got into the car.

"Why did you give her money?"

"Why did you?" Benji asked me.

"I asked you first," I smirked a little.

"That's true." He paused for a moment. "I know how people are feeling even if they don't show it. I guess I'm like an empathic type of person. I can sense when someone is feeling down, or happy. It feels like a superpower." He turned down onto a highway. "What about you?"

I think before I speak. "I just think it was something I should do. In a situation where I think I should do something nice, or anything, in general, I do it and don't question it."


"Why did you say I was like an angel sent from heaven?" I look at his profile, but to see him smile.

"Cause this trip has been better after you joined me. It feels memorable." A smile tried to sneak its way onto my face. It was silent, so I opened up the taffy and took a bite from it, but it tastes so bad.

I cough, "ew gross. That tastes like dish soap." I wipe my tongue on my sleeve to taste something else other than that.

"You sure? Let me try." Benji grabs the taffy bar from my hand then licks the candy. "It tastes like lime to me." He chuckles a little, then looks at me. "Hey, your face looks kinda red. Are you okay?"

I'm red cause, well, "Its nothing. Just warm in here." He looks back up at the road again.

"Okay?" I let out a small breath of air. "Get some sleep. You'll need it."

"Sleep? Aren't you gonna sleep? You haven't slept since the day I met you."

"It's okay. I'll sleep tomorrow. I one time stayed up for three days cause I was on a roll for beating levels like crazy on my game." Seriously, that's what you stayed up doing for three days?

"Alright fine, but you're sleeping tomorrow." I take off my glasses and place them in the sunglasses compartment.

"Deal." He smiles at me before I turn the other way and lean my seat back a little. I look up at the sky. To see the dark sky sprinkled in blurry stars. I never get to see this at home. "Sleep tight Will," Benji whispers before I fell asleep to the sound of 'Can't Help Falling in Love' being hummed by the boy in the driver seat.

[Words: 2096]
[February 18, 2019]

Road Trip To Nowhere (MxM) (ONC 2019 Entry)Where stories live. Discover now