ll੧੯ll I Had No...

Start from the beginning

There were so many maneuvers Sengara had taught me so long ago to get out of an attackers grip, I wanted to attempt even one until they growled. It was inhumane, loud and animal like. Wolf like, I considered.

I kicked behind the legs, and the man doubled. No, not a man I noticed when he came around. A young boy in this teens with shoulder length hair of ore sleeked to a side and dressed in a dark suit with his cuffs rolled boyishly. Turning to run, I was heading down the low ramp when he grabbed my shoulder, twirled and slapped me across the face with a distasteful grunt. My knees bucked and I fell into the sharp stones. I gave a snarled and ran a thumb over my lips to find a trickle of blood on the rocks and fingertip.

Where were those damned drug people who sold on this street? I thought, remembering the people I knew from school who lived around here and came to the park sell often. Yes their deeds were bad, but a few weren't entirely rotten. I mean, they should have remember how they passed grade 6-7 math because of me, right? Regardless, I began cursing them all for not coming here one day.

"Let her go," another returning voice echoed, three more growls coming behind his own. The attackers reached to get a hold of me, heaving me up. The veil fell, exposing my head and flying hair, the white shawl falling to the ground while the chunni began to unravel. I refused to allow the noise of shame leave men when as he enfolded both hands with one of his.

Greysan stood with Luciano and two other young men not of his town, both brunettes with pulsing pupils. My fingers fastened on the middle sized stone I had collected. Despite my trembling and poor eyesight, I could feel the hot anger radiating from his body. Greysan's teeth were viciously sharp and bared.

A blunt but sharp object poked at my neck, above the collarbone and just between the dip of my shoulder, my hair balled in my captor's fist and pulled back to expose my vulnerability.

"Don't even dare." Greysan growled.

There was an excruciating sensation of being pierced, a nail slowly pressing until it was digging and dwelling dangerously near a vein. A scream was forming when I tore a hand away and stabbed that thigh of his with the rock's edge, the attacker's scream coming in sync with mine when he sank his talon deeper. There was soon a thud, and I felt the blood rushing from the area, the pulse beneath growing sluggish with weight. My knees limped and buckled as I began falling into someone's arms. They fell along aside me, holding a strong palm from where I felt my life slowly trickling from. Darkness crept in, weighing me to rest.


There were insects crawling under my patchy skin. Bolting upright, I heaved for air, trembling so much that my longed fingers shook. A cold breeze enfolded me within a cocoon of wind, the hair slipping from my side to my back.

A bed with cushions of faint cream, soft linen sheets below and a thick ivory comforter pooling my hip. I cupped a hand to my throbbing neck, my left side where the talon had dug deep, now covered with a thick square patch.

Greysan's scent was overbearing and coming from everything; from the brown rug squaring the bed's floor, the closet half open, the bathroom with the ajar door and the bed beneath. The wall behind the bed was lined with cushioned fluffs; the rest all painted white with minimal decor. The bedroom was lit with the white sunlight coming in from the glass balcony doors to my right adjacent, thick curtains of velvet tied back. It all scented of berries, sweet and sickly overwhelming.

Between the french doors, to what I presumed was the bathroom, and ajar closet, laid a broad mirror almost four feet long along the wall. The vanity ahead was of darkened woods, as was the flooring and bedside tables. It was so spacious, there was also a dark coffee table ringed with a sofa recliner and three armchairs in the far corner, a good two feet away from the vanity.

I nimbly got off the bed, wincing at the contact of my bare feet to the softness below. There was a dull ache all over, even places I hadn't expected. Beneath my right sheer sleeve a purple bruise marred my skin not an inch far from my elbow, from where I was gripped with brute force. With neither the shawl or chunni draping my shoulders, its familiarity was not as missed like it should've been.

My kameez and salwar appeared dull, shifting to the movement of my body. I gasped upon seeing the balcony, feet cold. Snowflakes were waltzing from the sky in soft balls of fuzz, twirling in low spins with one another.

No, no, no, no, no.

There was no way in hell it could've snowed in the early month of May. Even in Canada, in this city. Something threatened to choke me. I staggered back from realization, daring a hand to soothe my throat.

I wasn't in my city anymore. I wasn't between the houses I grew to know, the stretch of dark green trees -I think- outside inferred as much. A rigid intake of my breathe froze everything inside me. I knew how this would play out now; my raging parents would be so busy in digging a grave for their now presumably dead daughter, they wouldn't bother to spend a moment to be concerned. To them an 18 year old didn't require coddling.

Oh gods.

I had no family to return too. Though I never considered them family, I couldn't return no matter what. I'd be the laughing stock for the city, a true disgrace, and gossip for the people that I willingly choose to leave with this male who happened to be a gora.

I screamed, loud and threatening. I screamed from the possibility of what awaited me if I were to return, a future of disgrace and humility. I wanted nothing more than to be alone, shunned but free, and now experiencing it, it was a new sensation I didn't want to know anymore.

A door was thrown open, someone's arms were encircling me as I fell to my knees, unconscious. I was scared, so so scared and after all these years, I still hadn't mastered how to endure.


() Gora -Caucasian male

Anyone want to kidnap me now like how Greysan did Mani?🥺

I would not object. 😫😅

Chemistry and Precal aint it, even with those lost friends in it.

Barely got a decent grade for English. Does my English suck that bad?



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