Chapter 7 : The Reason

Start from the beginning

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, he was trying to get control over his wolf's temper.

"I heard what you said," he whispered softly while opening his eyes," I'm sorry. My wolf took over there for a second. I just can't - Milea," He suddenly walked over to where i was and cradled my face in his hands, making me look at him.

"You are my mate, Underdweller or not, the moon goddess chose you for me. I would never ask for someone else. You're it baby." He said kissing my forehead. The moment his lips touched my skin, I could feel an electric shock go through me.

He pulled back and looked at me, "B-But you said, in the letter. You didn't want anyone to know about us."

He laughed at my words and proceeded to kiss me again one more time on my forehead before walking towards his huge ass...window? It wasn't really a window because all of it was just glass, but yeah, window for now. I stared at his retreating figure

"Come here Lea."

I walked towards him and he pulled me closer to him by my waist.

"Look outside, tell me what you see." He whispered in my ear. The feeling of his breath on my skin made me shivered in delight.

I looked beyond the glass wall and saw the view of the whole kingdom. I gasped at the beauty of the Were Kingdom.

"The kingdom."

"That's right love. However, beyond the border lines of this Kingdom there are other kingdoms out there that are just waiting for an opportunity to take me down. And you my Luna, you have become my greatest weakness. I cannot let any sort of harm come to you. Which is why I wanted our relationship to be kept on a very low profile."

I thought of it for a moment and nodded at him, making him know that I understand what he was trying to say.

"So what...what are we going to do now? Do I move in with you? or..." I asked, circling my arms around his waist. My braveness shocked the both of us, however I tried to hide the fact that I was flustered. I put my chin on his chest and looked up at him. The man is a fucking giant.

"No, that would make the staff question as to why an Underdweller was here, it'll raise suspicions. Stay at your home, I'll make sure to send either Jeremy or Jace, my third in command, as your personal bodyguard."

I pulled back and made a face, "A bodyguard? Seriously? What the hell for?"

He frowned and pulled me back into his arms, "I told you, I need you safe at all cost. LEa, you gotta understand one thing from now on, you are my world. If you fall, I fall."

I smiled and tiptoed on my feet and kissed his lips. Goddess, I've been dying to do that since I laid eyes on him.

He kissed me back immediately, his tongue licked my lower lip, silently asking me to open my mouth. I felt myself wanting to challenge him and so I denied him and closed my mouth. He growled at my disobedience and proceeded to bite my lip and gripped my ass, hard.

I gasped, surprised at his actions and he quickly took the opportunity to stick his tongue in my mouth. We battled to gain dominance and of coarse he won. I pulled back and gasped for air.

"Easy there, I do need air to live you know." I said laughing and resting my hand at his chest.

He laughed at my words and put his forehead on mine. We stood there silently, just holding one another for some time before I pulled back and smiled sadly at him.

I brushed his hair with my hand and said, "I need to get going. It's gonna get dark soon."

He frowned and growled out a little, "As much as me and my wolf hate letting you go, I know you do baby. I'll call Jeremy to take you home. And please, be careful and stay away from boys." He said slapping my ass.

I scoffed at his actions before pecking him on his lips. Just as I pulled away I heard the door behind me open and we turned our heads.

Jeremy stood there with that smirk and said, "Your Highness, Luna."

I pulled away from Hunter after another glance and started to make my way towards the door, before a question popped into my head.

"Hey, how am I gonna contact you?" I looked to Hunter while walking backwards.

"You'll know baby." He smirked.

I smiled at his cheekiness and went out the the door with Jeremy closing it behind him.

"I'm surprised he hasn't mated you yet." Jeremy said after a distance.

I slapped his arms and mumbled, "Not funny." I said, blushing.


Hello my bunnies.

I miss you guys so so so so so much.

I know I haven't updated in a while and to make up for that I'll also be posting another chapter tomorrow.

You know, I miss interacting with you guys, so please feel free to comment and I promise I'll answer anything...well not really anything but yeah, you get the picture.

Thank you so much for reading this book and I hope you would all continue to support and love this book by





this story. I love you all so much and I am so grateful you've given I'M HIS a chance.

Much Love,


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