Chapter Fifty-Eight

Start from the beginning


Jason's lips parted from the other person's as he detected noise coming down the corridor. Unpinning the angelic creature's arms, Jason whispered for them to meet him by the archives at midnight, and the celestial being sprinted off, in the opposite direction to the approaching footsteps.

Rolling his lips, Jason attempted to fix his ruffled hair and straighten his clothes as a Light Mage rounded the corner- he could tell it was a Mage by the eye colour: they were the only Light preternaturals that had dark brown, humanlike eyes and no clear signs of being anything other than human; the others all had bright hair, skin, eyes, and even wings (when in the Council building, but in the human world they had to blend in with the aid of enchantments).

It was amazing what Jason had learnt within the first few days at this Council alone- one would have thought that a secret magical society would have been better at keeping secrets- all of which he reported to Jackson, who had rented a flat a few blocks away from the building. What was also useful was that these creature's were so willing to give information as they were flirted with if slipped a little tongue- a particular talent of Jason's. This lot were sex-starved and Jason was pretty much living the life. Tainting innocence was a speciality of his- LEGAL innocence, though, he wasn't a pervert.

For instance, that little gemstone he'd just kissed the life out of- an elf, with sleek blonde curtains of hair, long pointed ears, and silvery eyes. Jason wasn't all that sure if it was male or female (guess he'd find out at midnight). But damn, that was some holy sexiness. Oh...and a way to find out more about how to get in to the weapons vault: the place wherein the weapons were stored before transportation and the office of the Arsenal Accountant Overseer. Marseele (the elf) just so happened to be an errand runner for one of the district leaders of the Light Council, as such he/she frequently passed messages to the Accountant Overseer in the weapons vault- Marseele knew how to get in and all the defenders systems in place.

BAM! The power of sex!

That office would hold all the information Jason needed to report back to Jackson, his demon-spawn brother and the...literal demon spawn. Heh, he'd have to use a different insult for Damian in front of Raven, somehow Jason didn't think calling him 'demon spawn' would go down well in front of Satan's kid.

Snickering to himself, Jason dipped his head at a passing creature with a light blue triangle on her robes, grinning in the least menacing way.

Oh, he was loving this.


"Kill me now. Just end this misery. The roof is tempting me- don't hold me back."

Damian chuckled at Raven's dramatics, doing up the last button on his stiff white shirt, tugging the sleeves in to straightness. Passing an eye over Raven, he continued to laugh in that mocking, amused way of his (his laughter was aimed at the sheer vexation on her face).

"It's not funny. This is painful- and the shirt is at least two sizes too small!". Raven complained, attempting to do the button over her bust for the fifth time, only for it to pop back out again, prompting a hair-pulling groan from her.

"On the contrary,", Damian smirked, pulling out another shirt from his wardrobe, "it's hilarious.", he handed her the spare, receiving a sighed thanks and a peck on the cheek.

Eyes flicking to the clock on his bedside table, Damian notified, "Quarter to seven."

An hour until they had to leave, and yet, not long enough.

Today -that stressful, stressful today- he just wanted to be...calm. Don't break anything. Don't break anyone. Don't kill something. Don't kill anyone. Don't have a raging fit of madness and burn something; just...calm.

And maybe, just maybe, he'd be able to work off all the restraint and pent up fury by destroying as many holograms as possible in the training room that evening. One though in mind, he would keep one thought in mind.


It would work.

Scratch that, it was more of an:
'It would work...?'

Slipping on the navy blazer assigned to the students of Gotham Academy, Damian exhaled, gathering his resolve.

Halting her fussing with the stupidly oversized skirt she was supposed to wear (that thing wouldn't fit a whale!), Raven spotted that look on Damian's face. That was never a good look for Damian: either he was going to have a furious mental breakdown; or he would sink in to a 'quiet' mood, those were dangerous...very dangerous.

"Oh no you don't,", she warned, leaving the hula-hoop sized waistband of her skirt and fixing her hands on her hips, "don't pull that face. It will be fine....ish.", placing her hands on his shoulders, she tried, "At least we'll be in the same year- and Jon and Donna will be in the school too. Jaime's a lucky bastard he doesn't have to go. If...if anything goes wrong, we'll bunk together, deal?"

Damian raised an eyebrow, "Fine. Deal."

At that exact moment, Raven's skirt decided to drop anchor, sparking further mockery from Damian, and spurring Raven in to fuming indignation. Luckily enough, they had thought to purchase school trousers- ones that actually fit.

Disappearing though a portal in to her room, Raven reappeared a few minutes later- as Damian was putting on a priceless Waynetech watch- donning simple black trousers. They didn't look half bad.

As a matter of fact, the uniform as a whole wasn't terrible: a white button-up shirt; black trousers or a skirt; an optional navy v-neck jumper; and a mandatory blazer in the same shade as the jumper. And with unnaturally-rather preternaturally- good looks and the ability to make a rubbish bag look like Prada, the part demons were in the clear for school uniform.

Now they only had to deal with hundreds of strangers- including basic bitches, jackasses with bigger egos that even Damian, people who tried to act hard but weren't, and absolute slags. So yeah, the assassin vigilante with trust issues and a superiority complex the size of the sun and the goth half-demon social recluse daughter of Satan...would be fine.

Pffft! Definitely!


Yeah darlings, I know it's only a day but EARLY UPDATE BIATCHES!

Ooh, this is fun! Surprised?
I haven't update early in forever, sorry!
Still, I hope you enjoyed that chapter- it was a fun one, especially Jason's part.

Now, not to get all suspenseful or anything, but I have so so so much planned about the whole 'school' thing and...let's just say there's a LOT of tea to be sipped. Some ish to do with Donna...some to do with Jon...some to do with Raven...

-Bats ;P

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