Chapter Fifty-Eight

Comincia dall'inizio

Just, breathe, relax, count to ten. And peace. Instant peace.
Relieve your mind of emotion and BAM. Peace.

Raven exhaled, cross-legged, elevated off the floor. Peace.


Eyes slamming open, Raven groaned, fingers massaging her temples as she remained lifted off the floor. Shutting her eyes and inhaling as much oxygen as was possible, Raven tried for fucking peace once again, forcing serenity on her mind.

Lowering her hands, Raven rested them on her knees, sighing.






Aaaand breathe....

Eyelids closing on amethyst orbs, Raven continued to mutter her mantra, easing her mind. With the caution of an artist savouring their final brush stroke, the Empath explored the matrix of her mind, leisurely strolling through the labyrinth- locating points of weakness and strengthening the foundations of her mental barriers.

Her mind had to be an impenetrable and inescapable fortress: there was too much to keep out and lock in; to keep from plunging in and breaking the surface; to keep from seeing and out of sight.

That had been too close a call for comfort.
It couldn't have only been the emotions running through that room: her mental strength had been corroded, not smashed. The darkness had been eating away, bit by bit, whilst her mind had been focused on...other things.

Speaking of, one of the other things decided to waltz in to the convenient little room Raven had found.

Seeing the Empath (hidden away in a spare room) hovering as if to meditate, but with frustration in her eyes, Damian asked, "Is it severe?"

Shaking her head, Raven unfolded her legs, the purple glow fading as she stood up, "Not overly so. A little technical issue- nothing to worry about."

Raising an eyebrow, Damian prodded, "You don't sound so certain of yourself. Don't lie to me Raven. What's so troubling?"

Rather than answer with words, she held a gloved arm out, not needing to indicate that Damian should take it. Grasping the demoness' forearm, Damian prepared himself for a transfer of memory and emotion- though this was something he'd experienced before.

Breaking contact, Robin commented, "There have been to many distractions within the past weeks- the past months, even. Now the whole 'school' matter- they say we'll start on Monday. You shouldn't go if-"

"No.", realising how that might have sounded (though she doubted he'd be offended) Raven corrected, "I...I think I'll be fine to go. It'll help with concentration: I need to get in the habit of dealing with flaring emotions."

"Tt. Flaring emotions? You live in Wayne Manor, how much more flaring can emotions be?"

Laughter brightening her features, Raven smiled, "Well, we should get back at any rate, Kori will send a search party otherwise.", wryly adding. "Pregnancy does strange things to people."

Demons (Damirae)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora