A new home

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The day after Dutch and Hosea were gathered in Dutchs big tent, sitting infront of the map and choosing a new spot for the camp.

They needed to move. Not only because of Molly, also because of the Pinkertons in their necks.

Dutch: we have to move.

Hosea: i know that. But where? We cant go west.

Dutch: Thats why we need to go east..

Hosea: east?? You know that's were all the ..civilization.. really starts? Saint Denis, it's a big city. All kinds of people there.

Dutch: What choice do we have? And you know it's only for now. A few days.. weeks maybe and then we're gone.

Hosea: And where exactly?

Dutch: .. we just. need. money. Then we can go and start a new life.

Hosea: alright.

Dutch: *pointing in the middle of the swamp* how about there. Middle of nowhere.

Hosea: the swamp? Are you mad!? I've heard stories bout nightfolk and ghosts roaming around there. And don't mention the alligators.

Dutch: oooh riiight. Mr. Matthews was scaaared of ghoosts and some men walking around.

Hosea: It is true Dutch.

Dutch: You show me a place then.

Hosea: I know theres *points at a point beneath Saint denis called Shady belle * an old manor. But i think another gang is hiding out there. It is a good hiding space. Arthur told me about it as he and.. i think it was Lenny were searching for new locations.

Dutch: great. I'll sent them out to check if there are others.

Arthur woke up from them talking and already was on his way to wake Lenny.

He wakes him up and they both get the horses ready. Lenny wasn't very happy about that idea.  Even closer to civilization. He was black, and often judged for that. And now they are moving close to a city?

They mount up. Arthur told Bill where they are going and rode. On their way Arthur and Lenny talked about Dutch. Lenny thought he changed. Was thinking so much and wasn't the same.
Arthur didn't answer to that. To him Dutch was the greatest. But he of course didn't tell.

They get close to the manor. Like Hosea had thought, a gang was gathered there. But they needed this place. They needed to take them out. Arthur took his sniper rifle and climbed onto a wall, where he could see the whole hideout. Lenny took his shotgun out and prepared himself.

Arthur aimed at the first member. Breathing slowly he shot. The others panicked and got their rifles, while the two were shooting at them. Lenny almost got hit by a person creeping up on him, but Arthur took him out. With a shock, Lenny thanked him and continued.

After the whole gang was defeated, they met up again. Finally. This place was conquered. Arthur sent Lenny back to get Dutch and the gang here.
He stayed to get the bodies out and look around.

He entered the house as he was finished outside. Careful of course, if any of them were still alive and hiding in here.
Some of the windows were broken and the wooden floor was making noises as he walked on it. The wallpaper was all old and nature was about to take it back. But it was good enough for them. They had nothing afterall.

An old picture hung on the wall. It had a man drawn on it. He reminded him of Dutch with the cigar in the hand and the black curly hair. He had to smile a bit.

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