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Everyone was sleeping now and I was up in the backyard, sitting by the pool. The trip was coming to a close and I couldn't help but to play everything back. From hooking up with Chris to celebrating my best friend's Nasty19 today. This trip went pretty smooth, considering everything.

"Why you out here?" A voice asked as I looked towards the sliding doors at Chris then pointed towards the sky. The dark blue-black was beginning to show signs of light and softer colors. "Watching the sunrise." I said, looking back at the sky again.

The noise of his slides against the pavement grew near and soon he dropped down beside me, pulling me into him. My body relaxed against his and we sat there in a comfortable silence. "Aye, so we back together, right?" He asked.

My eyes closed in an attempt to become invisible, but he rocked me to remind me I was indeed still there. "Can we revisit the topic when we get back home? I just want to enjoy things as they are for the next two days." I said, resting my hands over his.

He placed a chaste kiss to the top of my head and I listened to the rhythm of his heartbeat and absentmindedly synched my breathing with his. We didn't say much else after that and enjoyed our physical closeness and the pretty colors that painted the sky and introduced the sun. Once content with the experience, Chris led me up to his room where we climbed in bed and made ourselves closely comfortable again to doze off.


The past, and last, two days out here in Mexico went by much quicker than I had wished but the trip was bound to come to a close. I sat on my suitcase near the front door, popping my gum and waiting for everyone to come downstairs. The boys' flight left a few hours after ours but we all agreed that they'd come to the airport with us and wait and once we land in Cali, we'd wait for them. "LETS GO, HOES!"

So here we are, the squad taking over the terminal area with snacks and conversation. Valencia had her head in my lap and I playfully had my phone resting on her forehead as I caught up on Black Ink Crew. "Hey Sasha, can I talk to you for a second?" Payton asked as soon as she walked up on us. I paused my video and looked up at her, waiting for her to go on. "Um, alone?" She inquired as Valencia looked up at me as I looked down at her.

Following Payton away from the group, we sat in an empty area as I turned in my seat indian-style to face her. She looked nervous and as if she was still searching for her words, which made me nervous as well. "What's up? What did Niko do?" I asked, nudging her and laughing. Her face basically lost all its color when I said that, making my laughter double. "Don't worry. I won't tell nobody, all though y'all are very obvious."

"We'll touch on that later. But I actually wanted to talk to you about Stasia." My mood went sour as my eyes nearly rolled out of my head at the sound of her name. "Well, I just want you to know, that I hadn't noticed her actions until her argument with Val, and I just don't want you to think I'm associated with any of that. She's still my friend and line sister but what she was doing was mad foul." She rambled to me nervously while fiddling with the neck pillow that rested in her lap.

I reached out and pulled her into a bear hug while laughing. "You're too adorable. I never once thought you was in on her shit. Her ass is still mine, but not while in Mexico. Can't risk going to a foreign prison over no bitch." I said as we both started to laugh.

Valencia soon appeared and sat on us both with Kierra on her tail. "What y'all laughing at?" Kierra asked as we shook our heads and changed the subject. "Payton wants the window seat and been trying to bargain with me about it." I lied. Valencia looked up at me and I shook my head. She always knew when I was lying.

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