Chapter 14: February 14th

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"The time has finally come, my friends. The final day of all of this. I'm sure all of you have been waiting for this moment. The scores aren't tied, but everyone's close enough that anyone could win. I hope everyone is prepared to end this." Steven said, smiling at his pairs.

Everyone was confident but also scared. Steven was right, though. Anyone could win this depending on how well everyone got along. No one really knew why they wanted the prizes so bad in the first place, but they just wanted to win.

"Wish we could've had more opportunities to get our score up, but I'll be perfectly fine when this all ends." Bismuth said.

"I can't wait to blast that confetti all over town!" Amethyst chuckled.

"How do we know that you're not going to just let whoever you like the most win?" Peridot asked.

"I'll try my best to award the final points by friendship, not by fondness. But just in case, Connie and I will decide on final scores together." Steven explained. The Gems nodded.

"I can't believe this is the last time we're going to do this. Can you believe it Sapphire?" Ruby asked.

Sapphire smirked, but didn't reply.

"And in case anyone's wondering, earlier today Steven and I went to Vidalia's house to get all those Gems. And yes, she was the one who poofed them." Connie stated.

"Hah," Amethyst grinned. "I bet she was glad she got to use that gun."

"But Gems, today we're going to be doing something very special. I got us a reservation for The Crab Shack!" Steven exclaimed.

"It was that place we went to with my parents." Connie stated.

Pearl sighed. "That day went horribly. I don't think I can do this again."

"It only went bad 'cause we fused," Amethyst said. "That place had some really good breadsticks, though. Count me in!" She smiled.

Bismuth laughed. "It seems like something goes wrong every day, so what's one more day gonna hurt?"

"Exactly! If everyone's ready to go, I'll call Dad." Steven said. Everyone nodded.

Steven dialed a number and the ringing phone was soon answered by Greg.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Dad, it's Steven."

"Oh boy, what did you do to the Gems now?"

"What?! Oh, I guess I'm feeling better now?"

"That's great!"

"Yeah...anyway can you come pick us up? We were gonna go to The Crab Shack today."

"Ooh, fancy. I can't pick you up, though."

"Why's that?"

"When you were gone, Connie let the Gems clean my van. But apparently Ruby and Sapphire screwed up the engine and now I can't start the van."

Ruby and Sapphire heard what Greg said over the phone. Their eyes widened and they gave each other a concerned glare.

"Oh," Steven looked over at Sapphire and Ruby suspiciously. "Then I guess we'll just have to walk?"

"I guess? Just stay safe and have fun."

"Okay Dad, we will. Bye!" Steven ended the call. "He said the van-"

"We heard it." Lapis said. "I didn't want to have to be squished together in there again anyways."

"Can't we just take Lion?" Amethyst asked.

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