I do.

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Lucille was so glad she didn't have to squeeze into some fancy, heavy dress. Sofi had found her the perfect dress. It was dark purple, and flowed nicely. She was twenty seven weeks pregnant, and at the end of her second trimester. She wore her hair knotted on top of her head, and she was barefoot. Thad was in a white sweater, and dark blue jeans.

The gazebo out back was covered in twinkly lights, and glowed in the nighttime. The pack surrounded the gazebo, supporting their Alpha's. Thaddeus' father wanted to be involved-so he was their pastor. Thad's mother stood by his siblings, sniffling into her hand.

Lulu had wanted to write her own vows-and Thad had agreed. When the time came, she could barely talk. Her eyes were leaking tears, and Thad blurred a bit. He squeezed her hands supportively, smiling in reassurance.

"I was never against finding someone. I didn't even have to find you! You found me. I am so thankful for you, and everything you have ever brought to my life. You make me so happy, and I never want to spend my life with anyone but you. I love you." She had to shorten it. She was starting to choke, she was so emotional. Thad took over.

"I never thought I would need someone the way I need you. I was alone for so long that I thought I'd never meet you. I didn't realize how barren and lonely I was. You add color to my life. You are my life. I am so proud of the woman you are. My other half. You are a perfect Luna, and mate. And soon, you'll be a perfect mother. I believe in everything we do together. We were meant to be. I can't live without you, or our child. Thank you, for being my light in the dark. For being my forever. I love you, babe."

By the end, Thad was choking. He brushed his mate's tears away, kissing her cheeks. He loved her so damn much, he couldn't fathom living without her.

They had both said their "I do"s with finality. Thad's father hadn't even finished telling him he could kiss his bride when his lips were on hers. He kissed her softly, and then passionately. He had one hand on her stomach, the other on the back of her neck. They were mid kiss when the clapping erupted. A breeze blew through, and something cold and wet fell on their cheeks. It was snowing! Tiny snowflakes stuck to their eyelashes, and their clothes. Lucille's cheeks flushed from the cold, and her blue eyes twinkled under the lights. Thad had never seen such a beautiful sight.

His love for her consumed him. He helped her tottle down the steps of the gazebo, as everyone made their way inside. They had chocolate cake, both of their favorites. They fed each other, basking in their affection. They saw many faces, and recieved many congratulations. Lucille looked at her fingers, watching as her rings caught in the light. She loved her wedding band, and liked the look of Thad's, too.

The most interesting involvement of the night had to be Eckon and Juliann. Eckon looked different. Thaddeus couldn't put his finger on it. Lucille patted his leg, anf gestured towards him. For the first time, Thad saw their affection. Eckon's hand wrapped around Juliann's, and they were less than an inch apart.

They were together, he realized. He was happy for them. Juliann was a nice girl, and Eckon deserved a nice girl. On the other side of the room was Valden, feeding Kate. He was thankful for his family. And although he missed them, he was building his own family.

Nyx caught Lucille's eye from the corner. Nyx was talking to one of Thad's brothers animatedly, gesturing with her hands. An arm was wrapped tight around her waist, and Lulu noticed the man next to her. Joey held Nyx protectively, shielding her from attention. He was watching her wearily, but he still smiled. Luli was glad for Joey. She still didn't like him. But at least he was happy. Everyone deserved what she and Thad had. Joey noticed her observations, and nodded.

Lulu was falling asleep at his side. She leaned against him for support, yawning. He picked her up, carrying her up the stairs. He was very careful not to jostle her, or their baby. Guests watched as he continued down the hall, beaming at his wife. He loved the sound of that. Lucille. His mate, wife, and mother of his children. He felt the blood rush to his member, but shook it off. If she was tired, he didn't want to push her. Besides, they had done it twice this morning.

She wasn't really asleep. She wanted him alone. She felt him against her thigh, and grinned. She knew he'd be up for a little sexy time. When he placed her on the bed, she shifted. She clung to him like a koala, wrapping her legs around his middle. He just chuckled, thinking she was playing. He stopped laughing when she started removing his clothes. He stripped her of her dress, and loosened her hair. He left her lingerie on, admiring her. She wore white lace, and instead of looking virginal, she looked carnal. He rubbed a finger across her thin underwear, stroking her lightly.


He murmured in her ear. He let her lead him to the shower, and let her pick the temperature. When they climbed in, the windows had already fogged. He sat her on the bench, and pushed her legs open. He kissed her inner thighs, teasing her. She let him have his way, knowing she wouldn't win. He took his time tasting her, soaking in her essence. By the time she was prepared for him, they both groaned.

He sunk into her, stroking her cheeks. They made sweet love. It wasn't to experience an orgasm-although they both had plenty of them. It was the closeness. The comfort of each other. After she started to wrinkle, he carried her out of the shower. He toweled her off, putting her in a big tshirt. He ended the night the way he always did-with a kiss to her tummy.

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