Well, aren't you just the cat's pajamas?

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Lucille didn't think she was a people-person. She saw herself as socially akward. She wasn't the social butterfly, not in the way Ari was. She knew the second she met Samantha, she would have to meet the rest of the "pack". Her palms were already sweating.

She already knew that Thaddeus was the head of the pack. Which meant she was his partner. She would have to speak in front of a crowd...one of her biggest fears. Lucille wasn't sure of what Thad expected from her...she wondered if he knew her social life was stunted.

Thaddeus knew that wasn't true. He saw the way she interacted with her friends. He knew she was the farthest thing from awkward. He needed her to meet his family and friends. It didn't even really matter what they thought. His mate preceded over all-even if he had to choose her over his own family. He would do anything for her, and he wanted her to know it.

"You look beautiful."

She stood in front of him in a white and yellow halter dress. It had a cheery floral print, and described her in one outfit perfectly. She decided against make up, looking natural and fresh. She was so stunning, Thad couldn't believe she was his. What had he ever done to deserve her?

Lucille thought she was going to pee herself, she was so nervous. She took his hand, letting him lead her down the hall and stairs. She didn't know how large his pack was...surely not many? She hadn't seen anyone but Samantha the other day.


Lucille almost jumped out of her skin. What in the hell? She couldn't help but think. There was so many people she thought she'd faint. The first thing she noticed was the big "Congratulations!" banner hanging from the ceiling. There were so many bodies stuffed inside the mansion that there was barely moving room, let alone breathing room. Thaddeus turned and blinded her with a dazzling smile. He leaned into her, looking excited.

"I'm happy you get to meet my family and friends. Just be yourself, they'll love you, babe."

Lucille tripped her way down the stairs, feeling nauseated. The only recognizable people in the room were "Fifi" and Balthazar, whom were smiling so big she thought their cheeks must be hurting. There was chatter all around her, increasing the nervous tension.

The minute she felt Thaddeus' big body behind her, the movements and talking stopped.Her man demanded attention. It wasn't his fault he was so huge and comely. He must have sent them all a menacing glare, because they looked frightened. He cleared his throat, and she took note of how they hung on every word.

"This is Lucille, my forever. You know the rules."

And with that, a woman bound up the stairs and wrapped her in a hug. She was stunning, with short, dark hair. She was also crying.

"Oh, god. Honey, come look at her! She's so gorgeous!" Another big man pushed his way through the crowd, a man who looked very similar to her own man. She knew who they were immediately. They were his parents.

"Hi. It's so nice to meet you. You did a really good job with Thad...I mean, er.." she was embarrassed. What was she supposed to say? Great job making him? Oh baby Jesus in a manger.

Thad's father smiled, and enveloped her in a hug as well.

"You are extraordinary. We are lucky the Fate's have blessed Thad so well." They were polite and lovely, and before she knew it, she was whisked away by Thad. He had said something about meeting someone very special.

He wanted her to meet his brothers. Thad was grinning from ear to ear, catching his older brother's gaze. He caught a sight of red, and grinned even further. He had brought Kate.


This man, this "Valden" was very handsome. He didn't hold a candle to her mate, but he was very nice to look at. Next to him stood a pretty girl whom was holding Valden's hand possessively.

"Well, damn. Aren't you just the cat's pajamas?" The redhead was smiling big. "You're pretty hot, too." She couldn't believe this. A woman was hitting on her?

"Kaitlyn, behave yourself." The man told the woman. "Hello, Lucille. I'm Valden, Thad's brother. This is Kate, my mate." Kate took her hand and started dragging her behind her.

"We're having girl time! Bye!"

Before she could object Thaddeus and Valden were out of sight.

"So? Did ya'll...you know?!"

Oh jeez.

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