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Things were slightly hazy for Thaddeus. He knew he was in love with her, but for her to be in love with him? He had never imagined. The words came out soft, breathy. He could tell by the startled look on her face that she hadn't meant to say it so soon.

When the moment had passed, he found himself still shaking. He glanced at Lulu, and his heart stuttered when he realized her eyes were filled with tears. She was slipping away from him, and he didn't even know why.

"Lu? What's wrong, baby?"

She was looking at him like he had broken her heart. The tears that brimmed her eyes fell over her cheeks, cascading down her face. He was so confused. Hadn't she just said she loved him? It wasn't like she didn't know that...Oh shit.

Before Lulu could reach the door, he had scooped her into his embrace, hugging her tightly. She strained against him, trying to escape. She even tried to head butt him when he lumbered down to speak in her ear:

"I love you, Lulu. You and me, babe. Forever."

She immediately stopped railing against him, turning in his arms. Thaddeus leaned in, brushing his lips across hers. How could this silly woman doubt his love for her? Picking her up and carrying her towards the bed, he would make his feelings very evident...


When he awoke, she was asleep near him. He gently pulled himself away from her, making sure that she wouldn't wake. He pulled pants off the floor, tugging them on. He had to feed her soon. The full moon was in less than a week, and he had to prepare her. She would go into heat, which worried him. They had just made love, what would she think of becoming like him? He stood in the kitchen, unsure of his actions. He slowly walked to the phone hanging against the wall, and decided who he'd call. After three rings, she answered.


"Thad? Oh, my little boy. I haven't heard from you in a month, young man! Oh, god. Is it bad? Are you dying? Is it one of your brothers?"

"Ma! Chill out. It's good news. I found my mate! And she had accepted the Bite."

"Oh, sweetie," she was sobbing, "that's so fantastic! My first round of grandpups! Hold on, let me get your father." There was some rustling, and a small sigh.

"Yes? Listen, we really don't want whatever you're selling. My wife has plenty of things." His father's deep timbre surprised him.

"Dad? I found her."

All he got was a large thump. "Sorry, son. I dropped the telephone. You found her? Bring her over for dinner! Why have you not told us? Your mother is about to have a heart attack, she's so excited about grandbabies."

He told his dad the story of how they met, his father "oohing" and "ahhing".

"I'm proud of you, son." His father's voice was filled with pleasant satisfaction. "However, your mother is getting antsy. If you don't bring her by in the next week, we will come up there."

"Understood, sir."

As soon as he hung up, he heard a small noise behind him. Standing in one of his big button down collared shirts was his little mate. She stood with one hip against the door, and then she winked at him.

"Hey, handsome. Long time no see. Wanna go back to bed?"

She was fluttering and batting her eyelashes at him, seducing him. He nodded, taking her hand. She was pulling him so quickly she didn't even realize the woman in front of her. The woman was almost a foot taller than her, and had a harsh, short brown bob. She could've been beautiful, if she wasn't grimacing. When she saw who she was running into, her face transformed. A brightly lit smile took the scowl's place.

"Luna! How are you? We women were so worried that our Alpha had taken you prisoner in your own home!" The woman gave a fake scowl at Thaddeus.

Thaddeus chuckled, pulling Lulu's back to his front. "Oh, Samantha. Aren't you hilarious?" Before she could even stop it, she was growling. She didn't like his strange informal bantering with this woman. She huffed, pushing Thaddeus even more behind her.

"Mine!" she growled territorially. The other two witnesses were surprised.

"Honey, this is my cousin Samantha. Shh, it's okay. Don't cry. Sammy understands." It was too late. Lucille's face fell, emotional tears streaming down her face. She sobbed, her arms wrapped around Thad's ribbed stomach. Samantha nodded, smiling.

"Don't worry about it, Luna! I overstepped my bounds. I was not aware that you and T had fully mated. I mated a couple years back. If you need any help, call me, okay?" Sam had skipped off before she could even nod. Thad picked her back up, carrying her to their room.

"Hold me?" She looked up at him through the tears.

"Anytime, my love. Anything for you." 

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