The heat.

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Lucille was seeing things. She had to be. She was having these vivid...dreams? No, her wolf told her they were memories. They were black and white, with occasional shutters of light and color. It looked as though it was a young couple, and they looked incredibly happy. She could barely make out their faces. They looked like...her parents?

Images passed slower now. The first was a young woman, pretty brown hair whipping in the wind, running on the beach. She turned over her shoulder, looking at the man chasing her. She was laughing, smiling wide. The man was laughing too, catching up to her slowly. He grabbed her up from behind, kissing her on the cheek.

The image faded, replacing it with the same woman, but this time, with an older man. He was yelling at her, screaming and throwing things at her. She sat folded up in a chair, with a blank look on her face. She didn't flinch when the man managed to hit his intended target.

The scene changed, the woman franticly shoving clothes into a small bag, snatching a few things here and there. She pushed open a window, throwing the bag out. She jumped without warning, but never hit the ground. The same man from the beach caught her. Together, they ran. The memories disappeared, were gone in a flash.

"What the hell was that?" she spoke to herself.

"They are your answers. You wanted to know how this happened, didn't you...?" Her wolf knew? Of course she wanted to know.

"Your mother was young when her mother passed from this life. Her father was the Alpha of his pack, and as you know, you can't live without your mate. He was angry. Your mother looked just like your grandmother, and every time he looked at her, he saw his dead beloved wife. When she turned off marrying age, he bid her off to the highest buyer. The highest buyer just so happened to be a pig. He had a harem of women, whom he beat, and often raped. Your mother knew of this, and still, was willing to submit to her fate. However, she met your father. They were life-mates. True intended loves. Your mother begged your grandfather to let her be, and to cancel the arranged marriage. She could not let go of her intended, no matter how much she wanted to. So, she ran away. They fled together. You were born a few months after. And I...I have always been here. We are one-in-the-same. I watch over you, and in return, you provide me with a well-tended vessel. I am pleased with you, and our mate. In a short time, you will go into heat. Be prepared. It shall be the worst pain you have ever felt, second to only childbirth. The pain of our souls melding shall be nothing compared to a heat."

She couldn't believe it. Her parents were supernatural creatures, too? And a heat...? She shook her head. She'd tell Thad later. Right now, she was going to shower. She stood, stripping off her clothes. Making her way to the shower, she turned it on high. She climbed in, singing loudly. As she was in the middle of her rinse cycle, she was hit with a burst of pain. Right in between her legs. Her crotch was burning.

Holy shit! She was on fire. She had to be. She was pouring sweat, and she was in the shower?

"Thad! THAD!" She was screaming for him. The burning was so intense, she felt like she was being shredded inside.

"THAD!" The door burst open, revealing a shirtless Thad. She couldn't stand anymore. He saw her sitting on the shower floor, crying. He stepped into the shower, not caring if he got wet. The moment he touched her, her lower region pulsed. She screamed again.

"Lu! What the fuck?! Come here, baby! We can fix it!"

The sound of his voice was making her nether regions clench. "Fix it! I'm on fire! Oh god."

He bent, picking her up. He tossed her onto their bed, confused at what was happening. She was laying there, naked and sobbing. He stood next to her, trying to decide what to do. Her wolf decided for them.

"Take him. Just jump his bones. NOW!"

Out of nowhere she pounced on him, ripping at his pants. She couldn't even wait until his pants were all the way off. She sat astride him, rubbing his member all over her crotch. In one motion, he was seated in her fully. They both let out screams. She rode him fast and hard, the burning receding. He let out a hoarse cry of shock as she threw her head back and bit him deep. They both hit their peak, exploding. She collapsed, laying on him. He was still in her.

"Babe?" He sounded shocked and confused.

She was exhausted. "Heat..." was all she muttered. Oh. He understood now. He was still hard inside her when the burning started again. "Thad! It's back." She cried, scratching at his back. He rolled them over, pounding inside of her.

"It's all right. Come on, my love. I'll take care of the burning." They came again, and he had strange dejavu of their first coupling. He fell asleep with her sated, and smiling.

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