The love of my life.

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The harsh banging was irritating her. Lulu was still laying in the same spot, holding Thad. She was calmly stroking his hair when a loud banging started on the door. She felt a rumble start in Thad's stomach. She carefully rolled him onto his back, letting him get some more rest. She grabbed a sweater out of the closet, and threw her hair up into a messy high ponytail. She opened the bedroom door, surprised to see a man she had never seen before.

"Hello, Lucille. I am the pack doctor, Dr. Schmidt. I sent your scans to an associate. We got out results back. Would you care to speak to me?"

Lucille could barely remember needing a doctor, could hardly remember the burning sting in her heart. She nodded.

"Of course, doctor. I was just heading downstairs to start making dinner. Come join me in the kitchen."

She made her way down the stairs, sure that he was following her. She was happy to see some of the pack scattered throughout the kitchen. Some raiding the fridge, others sitting on the counters. She smiled happily, hugging some of the children.

"Y'all look hungry. How about I make some dinner! Anyone know what they want?"

They were excited. They hadn't had a Luna in so long. Not since Thad's mother. This woman genuinely cared about them, they could see that much. A soft voice was heard from the floor, followed by a tug on Lulu's pajama pants.

"Can we have pizza? I wike pepperoni."

The little boy had dark hair, and big brown eyes. He was wearing a Batman shirt, and the smallest pair of jeans Lulu had ever seen. He held her pants in one hand, and a Buzz lightyear action figure in the other. His mother stood from the table, coming to pull the little boy away from their Luna. She started to scold him when the Luna stepped in.

"It's all right. You want pizza? We can make pizza, sweetheart."

She held out her hand, and the little boy grinned up at her. A crowd of little boys followed, shouting things like, "Hey! Can I help too, Luna?" and "Luna, I like pizza too!" Lucille waved them over, happily greeting them. She gave them instructions, having each boy find an ingredient from the pantry or fridge. She was momentarily stuck by a throat clearing. She forgot about the doctor!

"Take your time, Luna. You are my first priority."

Lulu took a moment to really feel. She had always been surrounded by good people. People who cared for her, who never treated her too badly. But this was so refreshing. To feel like people needed her? To feel like people truly loved her. She felt like a family. These people wanted her to be there. She took a deep breathe. And nodded. She could multi task.

"Okay, so you said that you had a colleague look at my scans?"

Dr. Schmidt hesitantly looked around him, unsure if he should speak freely in front of the pack. People turned away from his gaze, unsure if they should eavesdrop on their Luna's important conversation. They were rewarded with a grin from the Luna.

"Speak freely. I trust these people."

Their faces of hesitance turned to admiration. She trusted them? They were honored.

"Yes, well. My colleague said he had seen something very similar before. The bite affected you, more than a human. He said that you had to have been a wolf before, but your wolf's soul hadn't meshed with your human's. That was the immense pain you felt. I am happy to announce that you are not sick."

The pack clapped and hooted, happy for their Luna. She grinned in return. She spent an hour in the kitchen, making about a dozen pizzas for the pack with the help of the boys. She ate a few pieces, enjoying their company. Laughing, and smiling. She loved them. And loved their company.

She bode them farewell, running up the stairs with a tray full of pizza and a big glass of coke for Thad. She pushed open the door, only to find him sleeping on the back. He had a strong arm thrown over his eyes, and the sheets were pushed down to his waist. She placed the tray on the bedside table, gently climbing into bed with him. She moved his arm from his face, and caressed his cheek. The sunlight caught his hair and tan in bright beams of light. He was so beautiful.

She leaned down, kissing his eyelids, and his cheeks. His nose, and finally his lips. She pulled back, catching swirling orbs of mahogany streaked with cinnamon and gold flecks. He was awake. She let her lips find his again. Softly, their lips met, in a beautiful dance. She grabbed the tray, placing it by her side.

She picked up a piece of pizza, placing it at his lips. He opened his mouth, taking a bite. His eyes widened, and then closed. He chewed slowly. She loved watching his expressive face.

He grinned. "Babe."

He greeted her casually. Taking another bite of food from her hand. She pushed strands of his hair away from his eyes as he happily munched. She felt the sudden urge to cry. The overwhelming feeling of love caught her off guard.


His eyes caught hers as he nodded. He sat up, pulling her to him.

"I feel it, too."

They were the last words uttered. They ate their pizza in silence, taking comfort in each other. After finishing their pizza, Thad wanted to cuddle. They talked for hours, about everything. She told him about not being sick, and how she loved the company of his family. His response was that he knew she would.

They slowly kissed, very gently. He rolled her onto her back, kissing every bare strip of flesh he could find. He pulled her sweater off, and her hair down. He laid his nose in that perfect little spot on her collarbone. Inhaling her scent. He felt her little hands in his hair, stroking. He kissed her everywhere, from her sparkling blue eyes down to her tiny curling toes. When they came together again, her breathe caught. She had never felt anything so damn perfect. Her eyes were closed, but she felt something wet on her cheeks. Thaddeus was above her, making love to her sweetly.

His eyes leaked a few tears, as he nuzzled her nose with his. Her eyes streamed a river of tears. They held each other tightly. She felt a fire ignite inside of her, and felt the carnal instinct of an orgasm approaching.

When she came, they came together. She kept her eyes open, gazing at his face. His face was taut, his cheeks still damp from tears. His face was the most passionate expression she had ever seen. He stayed seated in her, pulling her on top of him. Lulu felt carefree, and safe. She started to cry again.

Sobbing into his neck, she found comfort in his muttering soft coos. He told her he loved her, and that she was his forever. She felt time stop.

Thaddeus made a vow to himself. Whilst in the midst of passion, he told himself that he would take care of her. Until the day he was to be buried by his great grandparents in their family cemetery. He felt Lulu shift, until she was above him. Her forehead rested against his, their eyelashes twined together.

"I love you." Her voice was a soft, pleasing melody.

"You are the love of my life." Thad replied to her, his voice husky and rough.

She giggled abruptly. "I feel"

And, for him, Thad felt the same.

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