My kind of love.

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"Protect her. If anything happens to Luna, Alpha will kill you himself."

With that warning, the three pups were slinking after her, proud that the Alpha female's protection had been entrusted to them. They followed her through the woods, and noticed her putting her friends into her tiny, piece of crap car. They chased the car eight blocks, and watched her drunk friend leaning on her all the way to the front door. The depressed woman trudged slowly behind. They felt a slight twinge, as the oldest pup squeaked. He felt his Alpha. Close.

Lulu wasn't even a tad surprised when Ari happily chomped on chips in her pantry. She had a serious case of munchies-shocker. Lulu shook her head. Cata pushed past both girls to help herself to the lil' Debbie's sitting on the counter. She angrily ripped a package open, stuffing almost an entire snack cake into her mouth. She huffed, dumping the contents of the box onto the marble top.

"Maybe he cheated on me because I'm a total fatty. No. That couldn't be it. I barely ate with him. He always said "I hate fat women, who would want to look at that?" Well guess what? I'm done starving myself. I am going to eat whatever the eff I want. Take that, Dick."

Ari chewed noisily, nodding in agreement. She had always hated Dick, and being drunk didn't change that. She felt exhausted, and decided she wanted to eat her chips in bed. She walked past Lulu and Cata, not saying anything. They both looked at each other, completley confused. They followed her, knowing first hand how much trouble she could get herself into.

As soon as she turned left and sprinted up the stairs they knew she was going to sleep. By the time the two had made it to Lulu's bedroom, Ari was passed out snoring, her hand still in the bag of chips. Lulu wrinkled her nose. Ick.

She took a wet wipe off the dresser counter and wiped Ari's hands clean of crumbs. She pulled a blanket out of her closet, covering Ari. She smiled slightly, feeling a soft spot for her crazy best friend. Lulu looked up, realizing she had lost Cat.

A breeze ruffled her hair from the open balcony door. She could make out her other best friend's silhouette. She pushed open the balcony doors with a shiver. Her balcony was her favorite part of the entire house-she had thought about it very carefully. It was a dark mahogany, with beautiful hand crafted railings. Adorning the railings were little white Christmas lights that wrapped throughout them. There was a hammock in the corner, one of her favorite places to sleep.

Next to it was a long pillow mat that Cata was laying on. She didn't have lights besides the ones on the railing. She was a stargazer, and came out here often to think. A gust of wind blew past her, making her shiver.

All of a sudden the little hairs on the back of her neck stood up, and a pleasant feeling rolled through her. She felt as if she was being watched...She shook it off. It was probably nothing. Her musings were interrupted by a soft, unsure voice.

"I think he might have broken my heart, Lu." She sighed. Lulu nibbled on her bottom lip, not knowing how to phrase what she'd say next.

"Cata. He was your first. Your first everything. What he did? It wasn't okay. And it will hurt. No one will blame you for having to mourn. I know how you think he was the one, your one. But, I...I think you deserve better. We're only teenagers. I don't want to demean your feelings, by saying it's puppy love. I know how much you loved that boy. So I'm going to give you the cliche, "Life isn't fair" speech. He wasn't someone who could be faithful to you. He hurt you, and in return, you have a choice to make. Are you going to let one asshat dictate the rest of your relationships? Or are you going to kick him to the curb?"

"Lucille, I understand. I won't let him hurt me anymore than he has. But,I have a question for you. You've never been in love, but how can you still believe in it?"

"Oh, Cat. I see it everywhere. I love. Even if it isn't someone of the opposite sex, I love things. I love you, and I love Ari. I love the sunshine, and flowers. I love music, and fluffy socks. And I love old black and white romance movies. Sure, my love is different, but you can't dismiss it so easily. My kind of love doesn't fatally wound my heart. One day I will wish for your kind of love. I haven't found the right person to be in love with, yet. Maybe I won't. But for right now, I have to settle for the things that I know how to love, and love knowingly."

Even in the dark, Lulu's dimples could cut glass. Her pearly whites sparkled. She felt another shiver wrack her body, and the same being watched feeling.

Thaddeus found himself sitting on the hood of his car, watching the angel on her balcony. He studied the way she spoke wisely. He cocked his head to the side at her smile, mesmerized, even in the dark. She was stunning, sure. But her spirit, her personality was even more beautiful. She was a tiny little thing, and he watched confused as she comforted her upset friend. He was pleased. He made a mental list of all the things she liked. Fluffy socks, black and white romance films...She was so calm.

He felt utterly at ease with her, even if she wasn't aware of him. He ran his fingers through his longish blonde locks. He wanted to take her home. Now. He imagined her in his home, specifically in his bed. How her long, sunshine curls would look strewn across his pillow. How her pale limbs would look against his black silk sheets. He shivered, feeling the bulge in his dress pants tent even more.

He felt irritated with himself for not changing out of his suit. Although if he was to meet his little mate, he preferred that he look professional, and clean cut. After all, he would be taking her with him. She might as well like what she sees. As soon as the sad crying woman dozed off, he decided he'd make his move....and steal away his tiny mate. Lulu, his rough, dark voice caressed the night. 

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