Little boy.

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Lucille slid the blades of grass through her fingers. She was laying on her back, in a short sundress. Thaddeus lay next to her, holding one of her hands. They had escaped out the back doors, and had ran through until they were covered by trees. Sofi was nagging about the ceremony. And they wanted to escape. Lulu crawled ontop of Thad, and poked him in the nose. He oofed, and poked her back.

"I think it's a girl."

Thad stared at the clouds. He remembered when he was a little boy, his father and brothers playing catch in the yard. How they played with toys, and rough housed. He wanted a little boy to share that with.

"I think it's a boy."

Lucille thought about that. She didn't really care what it was. She prayed that it was just healthy, and happy. She wanted to imagine what it would look like.

"It will have your blonde hair." She whispered softly to him.

"And your blue eyes." He answered.

Her blue eyes watered. She couldn't fathom a time when she was so happy. Lucille giggled. What about traits?

"Our child is going to be great. He'll be funny. And all the kids will want to play with him."

Thad played along, adding things "Of course. Our pup will be fair. And a ladies man. He'll be friends with everyone. Even the teachers will love him."

"And he'll be responsible. He'll take care of his priorities."

That was a good one, Thad thought.

"And he'll be understanding. He'll know we try our best. And in return, he'll try his best too."

She thought about that. And then added, "And he'll love us. He'll feel like he can tell us anything. And he'll always feel safe."

Thad closed his eyes. Their child would be epic. The best pup ever. When he opened his eyes, he saw a cloud.

It looked like a little boy.

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