Her kindness.

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She sprinted through the woods, only stopping to bend over and gasp for breath. She ran so fast that her hair whipped her in the face, distracting her from the searing scratching of the tiny branches against her pale arms. She could hear the rustling of bushes behind her. Emerging from the brush was her childhood best friend. Arianna stood at five six, her shoulder-length dark brown hair ruffled and wild. She was Puerto Rican, and although her tan skin looked lovely bathed in moonlight, her facial features were rough with annoyance.

"Jesus, Lucille, you would have thought someone had lit a match under your ass-the way you just took off like that. You know I am not an Olympic sprinter! 'Sides, it's not like Catalina can go far. She's pissed as hell, but that doesn't make her a runner either..." She felt her eyes involuntarily roll towards the sky. Arianna was the biggest drama queen she'd ever met.

Her irritation with Ari was already fading. Replacing it was worry. Catalina was the third musketeer to their group. The girls had been at a party, some "rager" that Arianna's boyfriend had invited them to. Although Lulu and Cata weren't partiers, Ari had a wild child in her.

She had dragged them to this gathering on a Friday night, promising that they'd loosen up. If anything, Lulu felt even more stressed. The entire senior class was at this house party, including Catalina's boyfriend, Richard. AKA Dick. Dick was accompanying a busty brunette who was definitely not Cata. And apparently, he had slipped and his tongue accidentally found its way into her mouth. Cata was heartbroken, and had taken off in a fury-but not before throwing a plastic cup of beer their way. She went down the stairs, through the backyard, into the worst place to go at midnight on a Friday-the woods.

So, here they were, searching frantically for Cata. Oops, here Lulu was, searching frantically for Cata. Ari was more than a tad drunk, and had a stumble to her words. Instead of dignifying Ari's dumb whines, she turned around herself and picked a direction to start walking in. After a dozen steps, she heard whimpering, crying, and shouting. She could pick out Cata's sobbing, Ari's loud slurs, and a strange growling. Lulu wandered in their direction, and ended up in a clearing.

In the middle stood Ari and Cata, holding each other, looking panicked. Near the edge of the wilderness stood giant horse sized...wolves? About ten snarling, angry looking wolves. Fantastic. She slowly made her way to her best friends, keeping her eyes locked on the animals. Almost immediately, she made eye contact with the large dark grey wolf in the front of the group. Her eyes narrowed, daring it to come any closer. Suddenly, the wolf ceased growling, and whimpered.

The rest of the wolves stopped as well, their eyes growing large. Lulu was confused, weren't they going to kill them? One by one, they sprinted into the dark shadows of the woods. What she didn't know was that they had just moved into the shadows to watch her. Their alpha female.

She turned, and instead of yelling, she embraced them, shocking both girls. "I was so worried! Y'all had me scared to death. Shame on you. Let's go, it's time to go home."

Her kindness shocked the watching eyes, their Luna was kind? Excitement shot through the silver wolf. Kindness was something his pack didn't have much of. As Beta, he was very young. At twenty three, he had found his mate fairly early. His mate was a fighter. A little spitfire. His redhead was nothing like the tiny blonde in the clearing. His brethren watched stunned, the Luna was already worming her way into their hearts.

When she had strutted into their vision, they were prepared to attack. The sober woman was beyond discussion, so depressed she could barely hold herself up. The drunk woman was insane, yelling, shaking her fists. It was slightly amusing. The beautiful buxom blonde took a defensive stance in front of the other two, daring them with her eyes. Their wolf spirits had called to her. Luna. Our Alpha female. The Beta felt like purring, he was so happy for his Alpha. She was perfect.

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