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one second it's silent, and the next, an all-absorbing cacophony of ear-splitting sound and flashing lights are all around phil. he panics, as one does, but when he tries to sit up, the worst pain he's ever felt tears white-hot through him, and he falls back on something with a quiet oof.

when the pain-induced streaks fade enough for him to see, he tries to look around him to figure out where he is. he sees a blurry face and blinks, trying to clear his vision.

a woman paramedic comes into focus, looking concerned. she yells something about rising heart rate and blood pressure, and reaches for something phil can't see unless he sits up. and he's not about to try that again.

then he realizes that someone's holding his hand. he turns his head to the other side and is met with the anguished chocolate eyes of his boyfriend.

"dan, what happened, why—"

"shhh, baby, it's okay, just rest, you're gonna be fine—"

"no, why am i in an ambulance, what's going on—" phil doesn't want to panic, but of course his opinion has no say.

"you passed out in the kitchen, tiger, and i called 999. you'll be okay, just lay back!" phil can tell dan's struggling mightily to hold back tears, and he wants to reach out for him, tell him that it's going to be okay as phil's own anxiety suddenly ceases, but the small walls are closing in on him, and the darkness comes back, but slower...

and he's out again.

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