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"jesus, phil."

dan's voice is quiet and teasing; the words coil around phil's chest  and draw tight. a spasm of irrational love seizes him, and he looks at dan's face, really looks, and is overwhelmed with awe as he is every time he sees him.

his cheeks are freckled and the light from the tv hits them just right so that phil can see the light contrast of the skin. the groupings of dots are small and chaotic.

"did you know you have cheekbones?"

another breathy chuckle.


"a-and you have eight wrinkles on your bottom lip," he blurts. although, he thinks, blurting's not quite the word for it. he said it more softly than that.

funny how his degree in linguistics fails him right when words matter the most.

if he's honest, he still gets nervous around dan. there's just something about someone that pretty that turns phil's insides to a tangled mess. he feels like he'll mess everything up, say something wrong.

"when your roots go ginger, they make me smile," dan says, running his hands through the mentioned hair, his breath ghosting phil's lips.

phil forgets his worries.

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