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phil's always been horrible with guilt. the smallest things can cause the feeling to sprout up, and it tugs insistently at him until he takes care of it.

the longest he's ever withstood guilt is four hours. that was back when he was ten and had decided to let one of his hamsters run around outside. the little animal had promptly run out into the road and been hit by a vehicle. phil had hidden in his room, crying, until his mum came home. she had immediately noticed the empty spot in the cage near the door, and came upstairs to ask phil about it. he denied knowing anything at first, but later blurted a random confession in the middle of dinner. he just couldn't deal with the horrible feeling that teased his conscience. four hours was the longest he'd ever gone without confessing something.

and now, it had been two weeks since the tests came back positive. two weeks since he was given less than a year to live.

two weeks without telling dan.

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